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Fight hunger pangs with these tricks

For those who are always hungry, despite eating with the right frequency, this article can provide some ideas. The factors that cause persistent hunger are numerous and varied. In the first place, we may not be following a correct and balanced diet. Hunger could be dictated by emotional elements or, in extreme cases, even by some pathologies. But whatever the reason, fighting hunger pangs with these tricks is possible.

Fight hunger pangs with these tricks

a) First, make sure you eat a balanced diet. To do this, you need to eat foods from each food group: fruits, vegetables, proteins, carbohydrates, but also healthy oils and fats.

b) Don’t skip meals.

c) Have healthy mid-morning and mid-afternoon snacks.

d) Eat foods with a large volume: these will make you feel full more quickly.

e) If possible, eat a salad before meals.

f) Avoid taking junk food.

g) Learn to distinguish if hunger is an emotional or physical hunger. In other words: the body needs food to feed itself or it is looking for comfort food?

h) Try to reduce the stress rate in your life. In this way it will be possible to reduce cortisol levels and reduce the sense of hunger;

i) Make sure you get enough sleep: Adults need an average of 8 hours of sleep per day.

l) identify specific cravings: a healthy diet is not made up of deprivation! One can allow a small portion of a much desired food, so that the craving for it does not mount up to make us feel hungry.

We also remember that it is essential to make sure that we are not subject to specific diseases that cause us to have persistent hunger. For this reason, if you are always hungry, you should consult your GP or, alternatively, go to see a nutritionist.

(We remind you to carefully read the warnings in this regard, which can be consulted who”)

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