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Fight day and night vs. Dead but not stiff | Blog post

There are two sentences in Mao Zedong’s “Man Jiang Hong”: “Ten thousand years is too long, and we will only fight for the day and night.” It seems that in the eyes of the Central Committee, this is indeed the case when dealing with the situation in Hong Kong.

The government announced today that the Director of Broadcasting, Leung Ka Wing, has resigned, and the Deputy Secretary-General of the Home Affairs Bureau, Li Baiquan, will take over as the Director of Broadcasting on March 1 this year. Liang Jiarong joined the company in August 2015 and originally only expired in July this year. The government couldn’t wait for five months. It had to terminate the contract with Liang Jiarong in advance and transferred AO to take over as the director of broadcasting.

Earlier, the government revised the general education curriculum. The original design hoped to be implemented after three years, and it couldn’t wait. The reform was made quickly and implemented immediately in the new semester. According to the bureaucratic procedures of the Hong Kong government, personnel changes have to wait for the expiration of the contract, and the reform of the curriculum requires several years of consultation. This is the daily routine of bureaucrats. But in the eyes of the Central Committee, letting the situation in Hong Kong deteriorate is indeed a sigh of “ten thousand years too long.”

The central government here is anxious to completely eradicate the crisis in Hong Kong, while the extreme opposition force on the other side is that the centipede is dead but not stiff, and continues to mess around. Two or three things can be cited as examples.

1. Adhere to Hong Kong independence. The “Hong Kong National Security Law” came into effect at the end of June last year. The university’s Hong Kong independence ideology has not ceased. On November 19 last year, some CUHK students held a masked parade on the campus of the CUHK during their graduation ceremony. The only way out” slogan. After that, the police immediately arrested many people, accusing them of violating the “Minato National Security Law.” By this Thursday, one more university student who was originally involved in the case was arrested. National security laws have been enacted, and some people still insist on promoting Hong Kong independence and can only face the fate of arrest and trial.

2. Persist in colluding with foreign forces. The boss of “Next Media”, Li Zhiying, was recently arrested in Stanley Prison. Later, a legal assistant from a law firm appeared. The case revealed that the legal assistant was suspected of being involved in the implementation of the “Hong Kong National Security Law” in July last year. On the 15th, conspiracy Li Zhiying, his assistant Mark Simon, the leader of the “12 Secret Escape” Li Yuxuan, and “Looking for the Champ” Liu Zudi colluded with foreign and overseas institutions to impose sanctions and blockades and other hostile actions against the Hong Kong government and the Chinese government. The “Minato National Security Law” has come into effect. These people still have to insist on colluding with foreign countries. Isn’t this going to die?

3. Continue to speculate. The opposition withdrew from the Legislative Council, but still struggled in the district council. In the district council elections in November 2019, the opposition won a big victory, and 18 districts won control of 17 districts. After they took control of the district council, they didn’t do anything serious for the residents of the district. They also used the district council to vigorously promote the issue of police hate. When police officers went to the district council to explain their work, they were insulted by the district councillors and even appeared on the agenda. The words of Qiu Jing.

The Commissioner of Police, Tang Ping-kiang, disclosed earlier that the District Council rejected funding from the Fight Crime Committee to influence the district’s fight crime for political reasons. Fraud cases are prevalent in Hong Kong in recent years, and the district’s anti-crime funding is mainly used to promote fraud prevention. The opposition held some power and continued to engage in speculation in the district councils. In the past, if someone said that the district boards should be completely abolished, everyone would find it incredible. However, it is verified that there is no requirement in the Basic Law that Hong Kong must set up district councils. If the district councils continue to act like police haters and speculation, what value is there?

Hong Kong people play politics, they are short-sighted, they like to make small things big and provoke public opinion to win votes, but they don’t understand the overall situation of international politics at all. Hong Kong is obviously on the eve of great changes and will become one of the focal points of the Sino-US struggle.

Before the New Year, the new US President Biden had a telephone conversation with President Xi Jinping, but don’t think that Sino-US relations are going smoothly. Recently, the Central Government released the US Consulate in Hong Kong and agreed to sell her luxury home on Shoushan Village Road to Hang Lung for a price of 2.5 billion yuan, which is a kind of goodwill to the United States. But at the same time, the “Financial Times” broke the news that China is studying the use of rare earths as weapons at critical times to see how much impact it will have on US military companies. In addition, news came out that the U.S. government is urgently assessing how much the U.S. depends on the supply of rare earths and chips from other places, and studying the consequences if the supply is cut off.

The central government wants to change the situation in Hong Kong to prevent those who collude with foreign forces from dominating Hong Kong’s politics. After Bi came to power, it became more and more pressing. However, the radical opposition in Hong Kong is not yet surprised. The Centipede, who is dead but not stiff, continues to arrogantly mess around. I am afraid that their final fate will be quite tragic.

Lu Yongxiong

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