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Feeling in the Eyes, This Sign Appears Before a Heart Attack

Heart attacks can begin with symptoms that are felt in the eyes.

REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, JAKARTA — Heart attacks often occur suddenly. However, the appearance of heart attack turns out to be predictable through changes in eye sight.

In general, a heart attack is a medical emergency that occurs when the blood supply to the heart is blocked. This condition usually causes symptoms such as chest pain and pain that radiates from the chest to the arms, jaw, neck, or back and abdomen.

According to the Heart Foundation, a heart attack can begin with the appearance of little-known warning signs. The warning sign is that your eyesight starts to blur. This condition is usually accompanied by a wobbly body and a feeling like the room is spinning.

“(When these signs appear) your body may be warning you of an impending heart attack,” explains the Heart Foundation. ExpressFriday (8/7/2022).

In addition, there are several other warning signs of a heart attack that are more commonly known. These warning signs include nausea, vomiting, indigestion, sweating, cold sweats, and shortness of breath.

Given that a heart attack is a medical emergency, sufferers need to get help quickly. Immediately take the person having a heart attack to the hospital or call an emergency contact such as 119.

While waiting for help from paramedics, help the person having a heart attack to sit up and remain calm. If possible, give aspirin 300 mg to people who have had a heart attack.

After the paramedic team arrives, the heart attack patient can perform an electrocardiogram (ECG) test in the ambulance to determine whether the patient is really having a heart attack. If the test results indicate a heart attack, the patient will receive emergency care as soon as he arrives at the hospital.

If the ECG results do not indicate a heart attack, the patient may need a series of further tests. For example, examination of symptoms, medical history, as well as physical, blood tests, further ECG, and echocardiography examination.

However, no matter how good the treatment, it is much better to prevent a heart attack. There are several efforts that can be done to reduce the risk of a heart attack.

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