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Encouraging the COVID-19 vaccination program that reaches all people

Jakarta (ANTARA) – Immunization activities in Indonesia have become entrenched, but what about the COVID-19 Vaccination program that reaches all levels of society? What is the difference between immunization and vaccination? What is the mass communication management strategy that is considered the most effective?

Vaccination is the process of giving vaccines by injection into the body or dripped by mouth to increase the production of antibodies as an antidote to a disease.

Meanwhile, immunization is a process in the body so that a person has immunity to disease. There are two types of immunization, namely active and passive immunization.

It could be that we all think that vaccines and immunizations are the same thing. Actually, vaccination and immunization work differently. This difference is often unknown or ignored, because both have the same benefits to increase the body’s resistance to a disease.

So important is the COVID-19 vaccination? Giving vaccines to all Indonesian people is associated with the COVID-19 pandemic, is very important, even urgent.

There are no signs of sloping, let alone decreasing, where the number exposed to COVID-19 continues to increase.

The government has prepared various steps to anticipate the transmission of COVID-19 in 2021. This is because the trend of positive cases of COVID-19 in Indonesia has not shown a significant decline. The first step is to tighten the discipline of health protocol.

Another strategy is to close main roads in almost all major cities during the New Year and strictly check certificates by showing valid test results, both for travel by air, sea and land modes.

Honestly, this step can be said too late, why only now done. But it’s better to be late than never.

The application of strict discipline and tends to be forced, such as turning around if you do not bring a test result letter or a COVID-19 test on the spot, is the right strategy to achieve this herd immunity (group immunity).

This step needs to be maintained until the vaccination process is complete. This illustrates how important the COVID-19 vaccination is. Do not wait for vaccination to occur together with an increasingly massive transmission.

The second step, the 3T effort, that is testing (examination), tracing (tracking) and treatment (treatment) continues to be strengthened. And this is the government’s effort to ensure that positive community and close contacts can be detected more quickly, and also receive standard health care. So as to reduce the number of active cases and reduce the death rate and increase the cure rate.

The third step if the positive cases are still high, is to limit the mobility of the community. So, on long holidays and favorite tourist attractions need integrated and consistent handling and consequent.

This is the consideration, the uncontrolled mobility of the community during a pandemic, this has the potential to increase the transmission rate.

Therefore, with this mobility limitation, it is hoped that it can reduce the transmission that occurs. Limiting or relaxing the socio-economic activities of the community and in an area is an aspect that must be carried out in line with the ups and downs of COVID-19 cases.

Entering 2021, the community continues to prioritize enthusiasm and optimism, because it can be a turning point in handling pandemics and economic recovery.

If all policies in the context of efforts to deal with the COVID-19 pandemic are obeyed by the community, that is the importance and meaning of COVID-19 vaccination to be worth it.

Mass communication

Facing the COVID-19 pandemic by means of vaccination, mass communication management is needed with a structured, planned approach and the concepts are systematically compiled and carried out massively.

Why? Because the strategy formulated must be truly comprehensive and involve many parties and adapted to the atmosphere of each region. Local wisdom really needs to be considered.

A structured mass communication planning, meaning that vaccination is carried out in stages, involves elements from the presidential ranks, governors, regents / mayors, sub-district heads, village heads / village heads, even involving RT / RW. One commando. One sound. One step. As little as possible eliminate any distortion.

The plan and concept of the COVID-19 Vaccination program that is able to reach all levels of society wherever they are, systematically, meaning that the management process is applied from planning, organizing, implementing and controlling and evaluating to be carefully prepared.

Planning must be comprehensive, organization must be clear, who is doing what, and responsible to whom.

Meanwhile, the definition of massive means that mass communication is carried out continuously, on a large scale, simultaneously throughout the archipelago to all corners of the country. Massive can also mean structured and systematic sustainability.

Structurally, from the President’s to the RT RW, planning is arranged systematically, is easy to understand and easy to implement, and is continuous and sustainable.

Hard work

It’s really hard work because the problem of this pandemic is complex and complex. With the need for 426 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine to protect the Indonesian people, it is not an easy matter. The large number of procurement channels due to the large population of Indonesia and geographically consisting of islands is very important to secure vaccine supplies from various vaccine developers in the world.

The vaccine procurement process has started and will continue. The Indonesian government brought back the Sinovac vaccine from China. At least, this 1.8 million doses of the COVID-19 vaccine adds to the number of needs for vaccinations that will be carried out in early 2021.

The Sinovac vaccine arrived in Indonesia on December 31, 2020. This is the second time after 1.2 million Sinovac vaccines arrived on December 6, 2020, increasing the availability of the finished form vaccine that Sinovac has developed to 3 million doses.

Furthermore, this will be followed by the delivery of COVID-19 vaccine supplies in the form of raw materials (bulk) as many as 140 million doses gradually starting from January 2021.

The simulation was carried out to see the readiness of medical personnel in handling and stage III clinical testing of the Sinovac COVID-19 vaccine candidate to 1,620 volunteers.

The Ministry of Health has even sent it short message service (SMS) blast Simultaneously to all COVID-19 vaccine recipients who have been registered in the first phase, starting December 31, 2020.

The target recipients of the SMS are those whose names have been registered in the Corona Vaccination One Data Information System (COVID-19). Hopefully it will appear everywhere soon herd immunity (group immunity).

*) Drs. Pudjo Rahayu Risan, M.Si, is a public policy observer, functionary of the Indonesian Political Science Association (AIPI) Semarang and a non-permanent lecturer at STIE Semarang and STIE BPD Central Java.

By Pudjo Rahayu Risan *)

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