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Don’t Just Give Medication for Babies Difficult to Defecate, Here’s the Right Way to Prevent Constipation in Children – All Pages


Medicine for babies having difficulty defecating

Nakita.id – Never give origin medicine for babies difficult BAB.

It could be that drugs that are given without a doctor’s prescription actually cause bad effects for children.

There’s nothing wrong with trying to overcome yourself with way fast and right prevent constipation in children.

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Usually a child who is naturally having difficulty CHAPTER aka constipation is influenced by the food intake he gets.

Every day children should get enough fluids to keep their bodies properly hydrated to avoid constipation.

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When babies under the age of 6 months who have not consumed MPASI will not have difficulty defecating, because at that age they still get enough milk and regular water money.

If the baby has started eating food it is better to continue to increase the amount of dietary fiber in children.

Also balance with sufficient amount of water.

When the baby is having difficulty CHAPTER the following factors may be one of the causes.

– Wrong formula preparation

Make sure when making formula milk Moms prepare it with the correct and appropriate rules, also make sure that formula milk is not contaminated with any harmful substances.

– Allergy

In formula milk there is protein that may also be one of the factors that cause baby constipation.

Although rare, breastfed babies will also be allergic to some food consumed by the mother.

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– Solid food

When Moms provide food before the baby is more than 6 months old, the risk of difficult bowel movements may also be experienced.

The time most often experienced by babies having a difficult CHAPTER is after consuming a lot of solid food.

Because solid food consumed by babies takes time to process it in the digestive system.

Quoted from Happy Family Organics, The following are a series of symptoms when the baby is naturally having a difficult bowel movement.

– Dry and hard stools that cause pain

– There are blood lines on the stool.

– Causes abdominal pain and hard stools

– Babies squirm and sway during CHAPTER

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– Clench the buttocks muscles

Although not dangerous, it is difficult to defecate more often by toddlers than babies.

Do not be hasty and rush to give medicine for babies having a difficult bowel movement. This must be done by Moms so that children will no longer experience constipation.

– Keep the child hydrated

Keeping a child hydrated is the easiest way to relieve constipation.

Choose water as the main source, also add vegetables and fruit for your child.

– Add fiber

The recommended amount of fiber for toddlers is around 19 kg.

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Examples of dietary fiber such as apples and pears are also good for protecting the skin in infants.

Also add sweet potatoes, peas, beans, bread or whole wheat pasta as an extra.

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Babies eat vegetables in the form of soup


Babies eat vegetables in the form of soup

– Try probiotics

Probiotics help relieve constipation.

When the baby is still breastfeeding, breast milk contains probiotics and prebiotics that can help intestinal health at all ages.

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– Give a massage

Give a massage to the child slowly to reduce constipation, bloating, and gas.

If constipation in children continues to immediately go to health services.

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