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Do not underestimate the following 5 signs, it could be that your cholesterol is high

HARIANHALUAN.COM – An unhealthy lifestyle can trigger high cholesterol. And high cholesterol can indeed lead to dangerous diseases. Even so, that doesn’t mean we can be completely free from cholesterol, because 80 percent of the cholesterol in our bodies comes from the liver.

Therefore, if this is accompanied by an unhealthy lifestyle, it is not impossible that our cholesterol will increase. Call it fried foods that contain lots of saturated fat. So, what are the signs if our cholesterol is increasing? Launching Healthline, here is the description.

Chest pain

When cholesterol levels are high, it can cause fat buildup in the arteries. This condition often makes blood flow to the heart not smooth. Chest pain is often associated with this condition.

However, chest pain is often overlooked as a feeling of fatigue. Pain can trigger blood flow that is not smooth and can be an indication of symptoms of heart disease.

Feet and hands get sick easily

People who have high cholesterol levels can also experience pain in the hands and feet. This pain, can be experienced with pain, aches or even discomfort when used to lift heavy objects or even move.

Usually, the elderly also often feel hot and tingling in the feet and hands, which affects their function. This is a sign that cholesterol has caused the blood flow to the legs and hands to not flow smoothly.

So it’s hard to breathe

High cholesterol can also be characterized by difficulty breathing. This occurs due to the accumulation of cholesterol that has become excessive in the walls of the pulmonary blood vessels. The heart is unable to pump blood properly to the lungs, so the body is deprived of oxygen.

Tired easily

A very tired body can happen to everyone who has high cholesterol disorders. The main problem is when the body doesn’t actually get enough oxygen to the bloodstream.

Then, the various organs of the body are forced to metabolize violently, while the heart and blood vessels are in trouble. Not infrequently, the body that is easily tired and not excited is often experienced by people who experience high cholesterol.

Body muscles tire easily

Hypertension sufferers who experience high cholesterol can also experience very weak leg muscles, you know. Although this condition can also occur in all people who have high cholesterol levels. This occurs when the arteries don’t get enough blood flow and the leg muscles become very weak.

But, if you want to be more certain, then we can make a diagnosis with a blood test called a lipid panel. The doctor will take a blood sample and send it to a laboratory for analysis.

In addition, the doctor will also ask you not to eat or drink anything for at least 12 hours before the test. The following is the amount of cholesterol that is considered normal by the CDC:

• LDL Cholesterol: less than 100 mg / dL

• HDL cholesterol: 60 mg / dL or higher

• Triglycerides: less than 150 mg / dL

Your total cholesterol is generally considered “high” if it is above 240 mg / dL.

Your LDL cholesterol is generally considered “high” if it is above 160 mg / dL.

Your HDL cholesterol is generally considered “bad or too low” if it is below 40 mg / dL.

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