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Detailed movements and dates of the next Pokémon GO Community Days – Nintenderos

After knowing some days ago the announcement of the candidates’ votes for the next Pokémon GO Community Days, now we get more details. On the official website, Niantic has offered information about the movements and dates of these events.

It is expected that the vote start this next weekend. We will offer you the surveys as soon as they are published; Meanwhile, you can read the message where the movements of the candidates and the dates of the events are detailed below:


Pokémon GO Community Day voting is back! From August 23 to 24 you can vote through Twitter for the Pokémon you want to be the featured one. The two pokemon Those who receive the most votes will be featured during the next two Community Day events: the one with the most votes in September and the second most voted in October.

Candidates for Community Day

Candidates for Community Day will be Charmander, Caterpie, Grimer and Porygon. These are the exclusive attacks that would be featured for each Pokémon’s Community Day.

  • Charmander: Evolve a Charmeleon (the evolved form of Charmander) to obtain a Charizard that knows the Dragon-type Dragonbreath attack. Dragon Breath gives Charizard a quick attack that deals damage quickly and is also super effective against Dragon-type Pokémon.
  • Caterpie: Evolve a Metapod (the evolved form of Caterpie) to obtain a Butterfree that knows the Flying-type Gale attack. Gale gives Butterfree a powerful Flying-type Charged Attack to bolster its battles against Fighting, Grass, and Bug-type Pokémon.
  • Halters– This Pokémon, which was originally discovered in the Kanto region, will appear in the wild and when hatching Eggs. The Alolan Grimer will appear in raids. Evolve an Alolan Grimer or Grimer to get an Alolan Muk or Muk that knows the Fire-type Fire Punch attack. Fire Punch will be the first Fire-type attack available to Alolan Muk and Muk, giving them a Charged Attack option that not only charges quickly, but also deals super effective damage to Steel-type Pokémon.
  • Porygon: Evolve a Porygon2 (the evolved form of Porygon) to get a Porygon-Z that knows the Normal-type Triack attack. This attack will be new to Pokémon GO, and when using it, there is the possibility of reducing the attack and defense of the opposing Pokémon.

Featured bonuses and more details for Community Day will be announced later.

How to vote

We will post a survey on our official Pokémon GO Twitter in English he Sunday, August 23, 2020 at 3:00 CEST (6:00 p.m. PDT on August 22, 2020), and you can vote until Monday, August 24, 2020 at 3:00 CEST (18:00 PDT on August 23, 2020). You will have 24 hours to vote for the Pokémon you would like to see the most on Community Days in September or October.

Winners will be announced shortly after voting ends. The Pokémon that receives the most votes at the end of the voting period will be the featured Pokémon on September Community Day on Sunday, September 20, 2020. The second most voted Pokémon will be featured on October’s Community Day. whose celebration will take place on Saturday, October 17, 2020.

Make your voice heard, Trainers. Now you can choose which Pokémon you want to be featured in the September and October Community Days events. Be sure to campaign for the Pokémon you want to win and use the hashtag #PokemonGOCommunityDay when doing so! Let’s go!

Always pay attention to your surroundings and obey the rules of local health authorities when playing Pokémon GO. Upcoming events are subject to change. Make sure to follow us on social media, activate the receipt of push notifications and subscribe to our emails to stay up to date. For the latest events and updates in the game, do not hesitate to check this Help Center article.

—The Pokémon GO team

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