Home » today » Entertainment » Daria Ładocha recalls a difficult birth: “I heard that the child probably did not survive”

Daria Ładocha recalls a difficult birth: “I heard that the child probably did not survive”

Daria Ładocha is a proud mother of two daughters – Laura and Matilda. A celebrity can infect with her positive energy, on the other hand, she is also one of the stars who do not frost motherhood and speak openly about the difficulties associated with it.

Daria Ładocha more and more often she talks about the difficult role of a mother, and reveals details about her personal experiences with motherhood. In the cycle Intimate conversations at daydobrytvn.pl the culinary blogger told about her the first childbirth, which turned out to be quite a traumatic experience.

The celebrity confessed that childbirth was extremely difficult, and the doctors were sure that she was her daughter will not survive him.

See also: Ewa Chodakowska deals with hate and questions about motherhood

Laurka was born in a very difficult birth. The first words I heard were very difficult, meaning that “the baby probably did not survive the birth” (…) Then, when they told me that various malformations may appear during the first two years, I treated every grimace of this child, every grunt, vomiting, and howl, that this is what you need to go to the doctor immediately – she said.

In an interview with Karolina Kalatzi, she told what a woman who hears, that her baby is dead.

The fact that she herself would not like to survive. That this is not really happening. He gets a panic attack and insanity because this is not how it was supposed to be. After all, a pink, wonderful child was to be born, who screams, cries – we want him to stop crying, and it turns out that the only thing I dreamed about was hearing a baby cry she confessed.

She also mentioned that she initially had trouble touching her own daughter.

I had never had a baby in my arms before, it was my first contact with such a toddler and my Bartek was with her and asked me to touch her and I I was afraid to touch her that I would do something to her. He hugged her in every possible way and asked me to “touch your baby” and I couldn’tremembers Ładocha.

In the case of Daria postpartum depression lasted almost a yearuntil a certain doctor explained to the young mother that her baby was fine.

She took me by the tailcoats, threw me against the door and said “everything is fine with your baby, start being a mom” and that’s when I started being a momfrom that moment on, she treats her real motherhood – he recalls.

For Ładocha, the first birth was associated with traumatic experiences, which is why she decided to have another child only after more than three years. It was then that Laura was diagnosed with atopic dermatitisthe medications her daughter was taking caused her to start losing her hair.

I was so stressed out and powerless that I met up with a female support group. There was a woman from Belarus who she told me their atopic dermatitis is not a disease of the body but of the soul – she admitted.

There was a moment when the celebrity even thought that her first child was jealous of her second child, the truth turned out to be completely different.

The psychologist found out that Laurka loved her sister so much that she played her childbirth on toys. She was afraid that the sister would die in childbirth – she confessed.

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Everyone has a life. Everyone has their own problems and worries. Why are we still burdened with the worries of others.

In general, women after childbirth are very fragile creatures, people forget about it and often in the postpartum period (especially other women) attack the young mother with a series of questions and “good advice”. Instead of taking care of them, they add their three pennies – “why don’t you feed, and why does he need a pacifier, and why do you carry so much on your hands, I looked after myself there without any help” and so on. People, let me live! I remember exactly that after the first and second births I felt like g. I always approach new moms very carefully and with empathy.

She played her childbirth on toys? What’s up there deafening xD

Atopic dermatitis as a disease of the soul and the doctor’s description of throwing it against the door as something that helped her? Woman, think before you say

Childbirth is still ahead of me – although I am not planning a baby, but I don’t think I’m more scared than at the thought of having a natural childbirth. I can’t. I can’t imagine it – it twists me at the very thought: / And this devastation of the “pit” after the child comes out that way. Crotch cracked etc … brrr 🙁

Latest comments (27)

Why does this Lady share it – for popularity!

Cross fingers Poodles for lawsuits. Soon.

Cross fingers Poodles for lawsuits. Soon.

“It turned out at the psychologist that Laurka loved her sister so much that she played her childbirth on toys. She was afraid that her sister would die in childbirth – she confessed” Really ?! Transferring traumas from childbirth to a three-year-old ?! Pathetic and terrible.

This woman is outstanding at getting trauma stories from time to time, if not about her mother, then about her children, if not about her boyfriend’s ex-boyfriend. And it somehow turns. But what for?

Let them be silent about these bellies of pregnancies and deliveries. It is distasteful …

Not so bkkhu …

24 min. temu

Why drag out such private matters? 🤷‍♀️🤔

I gave birth to a dead child, nothing is worse in the world. I don’t know if I’ll get up, it’s been a while but for me the world has stopped.

In general, women after childbirth are very fragile creatures, people forget about it and often in the postpartum period (especially other women) attack the young mother with a series of questions and “good advice”. Instead of taking care of them, they add their three pennies – “why don’t you feed, and why does he need a pacifier, and why do you carry so much on your hands, I looked after myself there without any help” and so on. People, let me live! I remember exactly that after the first and second births I felt like g. I always approach new moms very carefully and with empathy.

“She played her birth on toys.” xD

Childbirth is still ahead of me – although I am not planning a baby, but I don’t think I’m more scared than at the thought of having a natural childbirth. I can’t. I can’t imagine it – it twists me at the very thought: / And this devastation of the “pit” after the child comes out that way. Crotch cracked etc … brrr 🙁

Everyone has a life. Everyone has their own problems and worries. Why are we still burdened with the worries of others.

Stop spreading that AD is a disease of the soul … total nonsense, not total biology

All I can understand is why announce it on the Internet … no privacy for these daughters ….

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