Home » today » Health » Daniela Romo admires Susana Dosamantes and Fernando del Solar for fighting cancer

Daniela Romo admires Susana Dosamantes and Fernando del Solar for fighting cancer

The cancer It is a complex disease that only people who suffer from it or have managed to overcome it understand. Thus, Daniela Romo expressed his condolences to the families of Susana Dosamantes y Fernando del Solarbut highlighted the admiration for the arduous battle they had to face this condition.

At the unveiling of the plaque for eight years of presentations of the work ‘Mary’s circular dance’Daniela Romo spoke moved with reporters about the loss of these two celebrities who had a hard fight against cancer.

“There is nothing to say, because it was Fer del Solar and now Susana and, apart from that, as you will understand, it hits me very hard because both of them were due to cancer,” he said on the verge of tears.

The interpreter of I do not ask the moony lies revealed that, despite not being close to Susana Dosamantes, who had pancreatic cancer, and Fernando del Solar, who faced the battle against lung cancer, she was grateful for having shared time with people with great strength like them.

“They fought her. Therefore, my respect and admiration always because I know what it is to go through there and, above all, for those who were there helping them and supporting them to get ahead. She already had to go to another place, but they fought for her and are an example for everyone, ”she stressed.

Daniela Romo and the fight against cancer

In 2011, actress Daniela Romo was diagnosed with a tumor in her left breast, and to fight cancer she underwent chemotherapy and radiotherapy sessions for seven months.

Thanks to this treatment, the singer was able to overcome cancer and continue her artistic career. In this way, she felt shaken by the death of Susana Dosamantes and Fernando del Solar, two people who gave everything to overcome her illness.

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