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Core strength exercises

Running is basically a balancing act. In each stride our body must remain in constant balance. The best way to improve this aspect as important as runners is through core or body training. In this opportunity, Avatrade Avapartner tells you all the benefits that these routines bring.

We understand as “core” the part of the trunk of our body formed mainly by the abdominal, back, lumbar, pelvic and gluteal muscles.

Here is a series of core exercises for runners. Always remember before starting the following recommendations.

  • Consult your doctor to make sure that this is a suitable program, especially if you have had a previous injury or suffer a medical condition.
  • Yes, it is possible to have a physical trainer attend you at least the first sessions to correct posture errors and determine if this program is appropriate for you.
  • Do two core training sessions a week.
  • Start with light weight and sets of up to 10 repetitions, increasing the weight and the number of repetitions always gradually.
  • Do the exercises only for as long as you can perform them correctly. He prefers quality to quantity. There will be time to increase the length of time in the different executions.
  • Always remember to warm up, for example, a 10-minute jog.

Examples of core strength exercises

Here are some strength exercises for runners where core muscles are worked.

Iron or plank

Face down on a mat or on the floor. With your elbows flexed at shoulder level and your forearms flat on the floor, lift your torso off the floor, supporting yourself on your toes and forearms.

Tighten your abdominal muscles to keep your back straight so that your body forms a straight line from your ankles to your head. Try to hold this position for 15-60 seconds.

To add difficulty to the exercise you can lift one leg off the ground, further complicating the performance by alternating lifting one arm with the opposite leg.

We share an advanced variant of this exercise with the use of TRX

Objective: To increase the strength and stability of the body nucleus, the hips and the shoulders.

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Core ironing exercise using TRX tapes

Lateral push-ups

Lying on one side, perpendicular to the ground, support the elbow. Lift your torso off the ground so that your body forms a straight line from your ankles to your head. Hold this position for a few seconds by contracting the abdominal muscles. Then through a fluid exercise, raise your upper leg pointing toward the ceiling. Start with 30 seconds per leg and progressively increase the time. You can add a variant by raising the upper arm.

Objective: To increase strength and stability of the hips and shoulders.

video is-provider-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio">

Lateral push-ups

Back extensions on balance ball or Swiss ball

Rest face down with the mid body sitting on the ball, legs extended and apart, resting on the toes. You can place your interlocked hands behind the nape of your neck or use your open arms and stretch them up to your head like in the video. Keep your head in line with your spine, that is, with your chin back. Raise the torso of the ball, pause high and return to the starting position by relaxing your back. Increase the difficulty by holding some weights.

Objective: To increase the strength, stability and balance of the lumbar region.

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Back extensions on Swiss ball


One of the most recommended exercises for runners is the lunges. Standing, lean back one leg and perform up and down movements, alternating movement of the arms. It is crucial to keep the knee of the front leg behind the toe. Likewise, the foot must be completely supported on the ground. Repeat 15 times and change leg positions.

There are many variations of this exercise, such as placing the front foot on an unstable surface or moving. Without a doubt one of the most complete exercises for runners because it simulates the mechanics of the race.

Objective: Strength, stability and balance of the body nucleus, the glutes, hamstrings, hip and quadriceps.

video is-provider-youtube wp-embed-aspect-16-9 wp-has-aspect-ratio">

Lunge exercise for runners

Suggested equipment for core strength exercises

Most exercises can be done without any tools or equipment. However, the following serve to facilitate or add difficulty.

  • Swiss or balance ball: it is an inflated and round ball of different sizes depending on the height of the athlete (for example 35 cm, 45 cm, 65 cm, 75 cm, etc.). Please take this aspect into account when making your purchase.
  • Busu or Half Pezziball, is an inflated ball with a flat side.
  • Medicine ball: round weight ball, with rubber cover with weights from 6.75 to 9 kilos.
  • Dumbbells: very useful for strengthening our arms, they are metal bars with different finishes and weights from 450 grams to 22 kilos.
  • Elastic bands. Rubber or plastic tapes that help us create tension by adding difficulty to the exercise.

Videos courtesy of running.COACH

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