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Clash of the Stars 9: Pavel Novotný wins over Zdenek Godla. Results and progress of the tournament

Mayor Novotny formerly a famous tabloid journalist, took advantage of better physical fitness. His opponent, Zdeněk Godla, took the duel at the last moment, without any preparation for it. He jumped in for the allegedly injured YouTuber Aleš Bejro, who was slapped at a previous press conference by professional MMA fighter Alex Cverna, one of the winners of the gala evening.

“I have great respect for my opponent, I thank Zdenek for winning the match. I know that you would like to see another opponent (Aleš Bejra), but I will not influence that,” Novotný expressed, saying that he is not opposed to a possible continuation in the Clash. As Novotný later revealed on the X social network, his opponent had to be taken away by an ambulance.

That was Clash of the Stars 9: women’s title match, deathmatch and tabloid mayor

Traditionally, the organization has announced several other draws during the tournament. The former owner of Barrandov TV Jaromír Soukup requested a clash with Karlos Benda, but even more interesting will be the November duel in Brno with the participation of promoter Tomáš Linh Le Sy against Bejro, for which fans of extreme entertainment have been calling for many months.

In addition to Novotný, influencer Hanka Gelnárová, one of the most disputed figures in recent weeks after she published a video with Nazi gestures on social networks, also celebrated the victory. Gelnárová became the first ever champion in Clash history.

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