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Chinese Kimchi and Hanbok Provocation… There was a’propagation process’ in it.


There are claims that both our kimchi and hanbok are from China, and beyond the Chinese side. However, when our reporters tracked where these claims originated, they weren’t simply arguing about patrioticism online among netizens. There was a substance.

Reporter Kang Shin-hoo reports.


Debate on aid to kimchi between Korea and China.

[궈모 씨/중국 베이징 거주 : 근원은 중국에 있습니다. 원래 (한국은) 중국의 속국이었잖아요. 저는 한국사람들이 사과를 하고 배워야 한다고 생각합니다. 왜냐하면 역사박물관을 보면 많은 것들이 발전하고 변화한 것입니다.]

In cyberspace, it was even more heated.

The answer came back when I told the story of kimchi to a Chinese internet user I met on a Chinese site.

Kimchi is Chinese! Korea is stealing Chinese culture! It’s not just kimchi.

It is said that Hanbok and Knotjang, an intangible cultural property, all originated in China.

However, following these arguments, a process for the transmission and development of Chinese excellent traditional culture, the so-called propagation process, comes out.

[왕웨이/중국 사회과학연구소 고고학 이사장 : 저는 중국을 비롯한 세계적 규모의 중화문명 전파공정이 실시됐으면 합니다.]

Projects that lead the people’s development with the Chinese dream revival and new ideology have been in operation since 5 years ago.

[강준영/한국외대 국가전략사업단장 : 향후 한·중 문화 갈등이 우리가 생각한 것보다 훨씬 더 복잡한 국면으로 흐를 수 있다는 것을 암시한다고 봐도 좋을 것 같습니다.]

In the midst of this, the reporters get a report on China’s tactics of incitement to public opinion from a research team at Oxford University in the UK.

It contains tactics used by China in the Hong Kong protesters and Taiwan general elections.

We create a close cooperation system for government media, diplomatic missions, influential SNS users, and comment units.

Has China used this pattern in its strategy to invade our culture?

After a while, in the spotlight of Lee Gyu-yeon, we look inside China’s propagation process.

(Production PD: Park Gun-hee, Ahn Jeong-yong, Kim Seong-su / Author: Kim Jeong-yeon, Lee Ye-ji)

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