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Cheap, these are natural ingredients that are effective in getting rid of mosquitoes

Clove Plant (pixabay)

MATA INDONESIA, JAKARTA – Mosquito indeed a very annoying and annoying animal. Especially at night so it can interfere with the quality of our sleep.

Not only disturbing, mosquitoes also often carry diseases that are dangerous to humans. For that, there are various types of insect repellent to repel these small animals from our homes.

However, sometimes insect repellent making the respiratory tract uncomfortable. Generally, people use insect repellent spray made from chemicals. However, the impact can be bad for your health.

Don’t get dizzy guys. Not all mosquito repellents make you short of breath. There are several types of natural ingredients that are known to be effective at repelling mosquitoes. What are the ingredients? Come see!

  1. Will be
Freshly cut lemon grass on banana leaf (pixabay)

Lemongrass leaves are usually used by ’emak-emak’ as a cooking ingredient. However, this natural ingredient can also ward off naughty mosquitoes.

Quoted from 99.co, the smell of lemongrass is very disliked by mosquitoes. Lemongrass basically contains citronella oil which is effective in repelling mosquitoes. On the contrary, for humans, the fragrance of lemongrass can provide calm if inhaled.

You can use the extract from lemongrass by mixing it with 100 milliliters of water. Once mixed, you can spray this liquid throughout the room to get rid of mosquitoes in your house.

2. Orange Peels

Orange peel (pixabay)

Quoted from CNN, orange peels contain limonene, which is a compound produced by various plants that can cause a strong aroma that is useful to keep plants away from predators.

Well, the limonene in orange peel can actually be used as a natural mosquito repellent. There are various methods, first you can rub it directly on the skin or you can boil the orange peel then strain it and let it cool. Well, you can spray boiled water into the room in your house.

3. Cloves

Clove Plant (pixabay)

The fragrance of cloves can also be used to repel mosquitoes naturally. The smell that mosquitoes don’t like can keep mosquitoes away from your house. The way you can make cloves into oil.

Then, the oil can be dissolved with alcohol or olive oil. Once mixed, you can rub it on your body to prevent mosquito bites. Or it can be mixed with plain water to make mosquito repellent spray.

4. Eucalyptus Oil

Eucalyptus oil (pixabay)

Quoted from Helathline, wood oil has long been known to repel mosquitoes. An American study also acknowledges the effectiveness of eucalyptus oil in repelling mosquitoes.

The method starts with eucalyptus leaves that are crushed or crushed and then rubbed directly into your skin. You can also mix eucalyptus oil with a glass of water to be used as a mosquito repellent spray.

5. Lavender Oil

Lavender (pixabay)

Apart from having a pleasant and soothing smell, lavender oil can also be used to repel stubborn mosquitoes in your home. Apart from being natural, lavender oil is also easy to find on the market.

The trick, you can dissolve lavender oil with plain water and a little yeast. You can put this solution in rooms. Besides making the room smell good, mosquitoes are also reluctant to stop by your house.

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