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Characteristics of Pregnant Women with Baby Girls, Let’s Not Curious Anymore!

Illustration of the Characteristics of a Pregnant Woman Baby Girl (Source: Unplash)

For Mamas who wish to have daughter, when you are pregnant you may soon find out the characteristics of women pregnant baby girl, okay.

Actually the best way to find out the sex of the baby is through the ultrasound method. But, is there another method to determine the sex of the baby in the womb?

Well, Mama has heard, she said, the following signs are signs of being pregnant with a baby girl. But, isn’t that right?

Characteristics of Pregnant Women Baby Girls

If your left breast appears larger than your right breast, or if you notice a drastic change in breast size, you may be carrying a girl.

2. See the Position of the Linea Nigra

Linea nigra or dark lines that appear on the abdomen of pregnant women can be an indicator of the sex of the baby. If the line continues to appear above the navel, it means that you are pregnant with a boy. Meanwhile, if the line ends below the navel, it is a sign of a woman who is pregnant with a girl.

3. Faster Heart Rate

Illustration of the Characteristics of a Pregnant Woman Baby Girl (Source: Freepik)

When you are pregnant, do you often feel your heart beating faster? Congratulations, it means that you are pregnant with a baby girl. Usually when a woman is pregnant with a girl, her heart rate tends to increase, which is 140-160 beats per minute.

4. Excessive Nausea in the Morning

Illustration of the Characteristics of a Pregnant Woman Baby Girl (Source: Freepik)

Nausea or morning sickness This is a common symptom experienced by pregnant women during the first trimester. However, if you experience excessive nausea throughout your pregnancy, even after the first three months, you may be carrying a baby girl. This is caused by an increase in hormone levels and low blood sugar.

5. Prefers Sweet Food

Illustration of the Characteristics of a Pregnant Woman Baby Girl (Source: Freepik)

The next characteristic of pregnant women with a baby girl is that you may prefer to eat sweet foods, such as chocolate, cakes, puddings, and ice cream, compared to spicy or salty foods.

The color of the urine can also indicate the sex of the baby. If during pregnancy, your urine tends to be dull in color, it could be that you are pregnant with a girl.

7. Oily Skin and Dull Hair

Extreme hormonal changes can indicate that you are pregnant with a child. These hormonal changes can also result in oily skin and duller hair.

The position of the stomach is one of the common signs that can indicate the sex of the baby. If your stomach is in the upper or middle position, you may be giving birth to a baby girl.

9. Fast -Changing Moods or Mood Swing

According to Medicalnewstoday, it does not only affect physical conditions, the many hormonal changes that occur during pregnancy can also cause mood swings in pregnant women. Mothers who are pregnant with girls are said to produce higher levels of the hormone estrogen. So according to many people, when carrying a baby girl, Mama can become more sensitive.

Well, that’s roughly what it is, Ma, some of the characteristics of a pregnant woman with a baby girl are still strongly believed by the public. But instead of Mama guessing all the time, it’s better to immediately check the gender through the ultrasound method, yes and consult a gynecologist. Because, some of the characteristics of pregnancy above, are not necessarily scientifically correct. So, can not be trusted 100 percent.

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