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“Chain of errors due to a lack of correct vision!” – The Daily Standard

As long as Sylvana Simons (BIJ1) abandons her pernicious identity politics, she suddenly turns out to be a very strong Member of Parliament! Last Thursday, she fully and professionally filleted the corona policy of the now outgoing Rutte cabinet.

Here at DDS we are only too happy to highlight the strange antics of Sylvana Simons, especially when she plays the extreme left-wing woke-geeky again. An endless source of entertainment! But this time it must be admitted that she really scored points in the corona debate that the House of Representatives held yesterday ..

According to Simons, the corona policy is “a series of errors due to a lack of the correct vision.” She uses a striking metaphor: “The kitchen is on fire, but oh well, the bathroom isn’t burning yet, so we sit comfortably on the couch. And now the bookcases are smoldering, the curtains are burning and we are all choking on the smoke. ”

She takes us back to the beginning of the corona crisis and makes a rough timeline of the “conscious choices” that the cabinet made at the time. With a few sentences, she makes it clear that the cabinet and RIVM have set up completely idiotic policy: “The choice was: to be able to carry as few infections as possible, or to be able to carry as many infections as the ICs. Protect risk groups or let KLM fly. And maximum containment of the virus, or building up immunity by happily circulating the virus. ”

She perfectly sums up the ridiculous strategy: “This cabinet opted for a strategy that allows a maximum number of people to become ill, until the last hospital bed is occupied. (…). But what turned out? Focusing on IC capacity with the aim of building up immunity is harmful to the economy, harmful to our well-being, harmful to our freedom, harmful to our health, and it has already cost us many human lives. ”

Well, the messy brothers Mark and Hugo can put them in their pocket! Hopefully we will get more of it this one Sylvana, and less of her woke identity politics, because that is how she really turns out to be a strong addition to the House of Representatives. Who could have imagined that!

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