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Caution Don’t Ignore Schizophrenia Disorders, this is the Phase and Treatment!

TANGERANG, REDAKSI24.COM–Do you remember the Isabella Guzman Case? A teenager from Colorado, United States who stabbed his birth mother 151 times in 2013. Then the court ruled that he was admitted to a mental hospital for an indefinite period of time on the grounds of schizophrenia. This case became a hot topic of coverage on social media, so many people became curious about schizophrenia.

Ordinary people usually define schizophrenia as hallucinations, delusions, and having chaotic thoughts. This is not entirely wrong. However, a more precise diagnosis must be made by an expert because it must follow certain diagnostic criteria.

According to the Psychologist at Ciputra Hospital CitraGarden City, Meiske Yunithree Suparman, M.Psi. schizophrenic disorder has 3 phases of the clinical course. Starting from the prodromal phase, the initial phase shows symptoms of disturbances, such as withdrawal from the environment, conflicts at work, difficulties in social relations, inability to maintain personal hygiene. In this phase, medical intervention should be done to prevent the condition from becoming more serious and the rate of recovery is more possible because with the right treatment schizophrenia patients can live independently and be active in the community. For this reason, awareness of early detection of the patient’s family will determine the future of schizophrenia patients.

Then there is an active phase, marked by chaos of thought, feeling, behavior. Patients also have difficulty distinguishing between reality versus what is not real, resulting in chaotic speech. Furthermore, the residual phase, which is the residual phase with further symptoms, such as hallucinations or delusions (a person’s belief that is not in accordance with reality), withdrawal, dull or flat affection and other symptoms but not prominent. In most of the cases, the above symptoms often overlap at different phases.

Schizophrenia regardless of age, gender, or economic status. However, the symptoms are mostly detected during adolescence or early adulthood because that age is a period of transition to a more mature age and many problems that may not be resolved so that mentally tend to be fragile. If schizophrenia is detected early, Meiske recommends that he be referred to a psychiatrist or psychologist immediately to get further management.

“Schizophrenia disorder is a long journey for those who experience it. Treatment must be done as early as possible so as not to be late, especially if the possibility of recovery will be higher if handled early, “said Meiske in a release received by Redaksi24.com.

For that, Meiske hopes that people will start to care about mental disorders. The simple way is to recognize the symptoms, don’t bully, don’t stay away and give bad labels. Help them (people with schizophrenia) seek help from experts, ”said Meiske. According to him, family is also an important factor in the successful management of people with schizophrenia. He suggested that families can seek support by joining communities of people with or families of people with schizophrenia.

The problem is that many people are reluctant to see a psychologist or psychiatrist for fear of being labeled crazy and because of the high cost constraints that people tend to ignore and cover up. This was responded to by the Branding and Communication Strategist MiPOWER by Sequis Ivan Christian Winatha who said that there is health insurance that provides protection benefits in the form of consultation coverage to psychologists and their treatment, namely MiPROTECTION health insurance which provides a number of reimbursements for consultation fees to psychologists for 5 counseling sessions / policy year for schizophrenia, bipolar, and OCD mental disorders in accordance with the policy provisions.

“The millennial generation will later become the next generation. That is why there are so many suggestions and tips for healthy living for millennials so that we can be productive. However, being physically healthy is not enough, you must be mentally healthy. Moreover, millennials are prone to mental disorders such as schizophrenia, so millennials need to equip themselves with MiPROTECTION protection, “he said. Ivan said, this product includes mental health protection, protection against accidents, critical illness, and life. This product can be owned from 18-55 years old with affordable premiums starting from IDR 123,500 / month so that millennials can use it to maintain mental health, physical health and mental health.

Closing the discussion with Meiske, Ivan invited millennials to make world mental health day a moment to increase mental health literacy because mental disorders can happen to anyone and the impact is not only on psychological matters but can also disrupt financially for patients and their families so that millennials should equip themselves. with MiPROTECTION insurance as a wise way to protect financially. (Hendra)

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