‘Government misses enormously the boat in communication with youthful agitators’

During this corona crisis, the government misses the boat enormously in communicating with young people. That is the firm opinion of clinical neuropsychologist Erik Matser from Helmond. To curb problems such as the fireworks terror in Roosendaal, the youth should no longer be addressed by Rutte or De Jonge. ‘That will have to be a … Read more

RSUI Doctor: Use Antibiotics Wisely

The doctor also explained why the antibiotic needs to be spent. REPUBLIKA.CO.ID, DEPOK – Consultant doctor for tropical diseases and infections at the University of Indonesia Hospital (RSUI) dr. Adityo Susilo invites people to use usage antibiotics wisely. Because, the use of the wrong and not according to the indication can cause resistance. “Antibiotics function … Read more

The Leeuwarder Courant uses cookies

In order to offer you good websites and apps – where news, information and advertisements are tailored to your preferences and you can share content via social media – the websites and apps of NDC mediagroep and its subsidiaries use cookies and personal data. Your privacy is important to NDC mediagroep. That is why we … Read more

Foods to be avoided in menopause

There are many temptations at the table, and often being able to always follow a healthy and balanced diet is not easy. But there are stages in life where proper nutrition is essential to stay healthy. For example, for women, when it comes to the end of the fertile age and the menstrual cycle, you … Read more

Remember, the following foods and drinks should be avoided by diabetes sufferers, from pasta to yogurt, here’s the reason!

Intisari-Online.com – Diabetes is a non-communicable disease that is increasing in number globally. In Indonesia alone, the number of sufferers is ranked sixth in the world. Although it can’t be cured however diabetes can be controlled by changing the lifestyle to be healthier. Diabetes uncontrolled can lead to serious complications such as heart disease, kidney … Read more

Doctor Radboudumc: lungs usually recover well after Covid-19 | Inland

At the multidisciplinary aftercare clinic of the Radboud university medical center, specially designed for corona, the first Dutch scientific research was conducted into how people are doing who got Covid-19 during the first corona wave. Better recovery from hospital Results presented Wednesday show that overall recovery after Covid-19 is better in patients who have been … Read more

This nasal spray is claimed to be able to destroy the new coronavirus

loading… JAKARTA – Taffix nasal spray is claimed to be 99% destroyed the new corona virus. In laboratory research, led by Professor Barbara Mann from the university’s department of infectious diseases and international health, showed that Taffix killed 99.99% of the new coronavirus that causes Covid-19. (Also read: The smell of urine is very strong, … Read more