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Bunker 11: crack the code, activate the phones and open them

In Call of Duty Modern Warfare all bunkers can now be opened. Bunker 11 can only be opened in Warzone with a code that has to be cracked in order to activate the phones correctly. Sounds complicated? Admittedly, it is. Especially if you don’t speak Russian! But first things first…

Activate Warzone Bunker 11 with the code

Like we already do elsewhere have reported, the bunkers in the game can now all be opened with a key card. Bunker 11 is a special challenge in Warzone – this can only be cracked with the correct code, which tells you which phones have to be activated. It pays off because it gives you a valuable weapon blueprint for the MP7.

Where is Bunker 11 located?

Warzone Bunker Map Guide Locations Locations

Open Warzone Bunker 11

tip: If you want to open and enter bunker 11 in Warzone, you have to walk a little longer. It is best to try it in the loot money game mode.

Step 1 – activate phones

Everywhere on the map you can find phones that can be activated with the push of a button. You will then hear one of three different tones: loss of connection, error signal, well-made noise similar to a telephone waiting loop. First of all, you have to activate phones at random and hope to hear the well-done sound.

Step 2 – Decode Bunker 11 code

After the positive signal you will hear 3 words in poor quality and in another language. Each of these words stands for a number. Each number means a location where the next phone is. You have to go to these places in the order they are called on the first phone and activate the phone there and move on to the next one.

The youtuber “eColiEspresso” has already deciphered some numbers:


Step 3 – enter bunker 11

You will hear a Morse code and a beep after each activated phone. After the third activated you will hear the well-done on-hold sound again. This means that the bunker 11 in Warzone is now open and can be entered – let’s go!

What is inside? Inside Bunker 11 in Warzone you will find loot, an MP7 blueprint, money and other things that can be activated. You can let smoke out of a raim, restart a computer and press a red button. Apart from small effects, nothing else happens. What could be behind it? Do we only find out in season 4? Can we detonate an atomic bomb soon? In any case, there are many computer terminals in Verdansk that have no function yet….

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