28.03.21 22:06
29.03.21 00:03
A number of households had to be evacuated due to toxic smoke from an industrial building in Nordkjosbotn on Sunday night.
Fire crews from both Balsfjord, Tromsø and Storfjord participated in the firefighting work when it started burning on Sunday night in an industrial building in Nordkjosbotn.
41 people were evacuated and sent to Nordkjosbotn primary school.
At a quarter to twelve, the police reported that the fire was under control and the evacuees could return to their homes. Fire crews had then ensured that toxic smoke no longer came from the fire-affected building.
Operations manager at Troms police district, Karl Erik Thomassen, tells Nordlys at midnight that the situation at the site is about to normalize.
– We still have police on site and are investigating the fire, he adds.
Harmful smoke
The industrial building belongs to the company Bewi Polar, a company that produces packaging and insulation solutions
A safety zone was established around the industrial building and the police worked quickly to get a number of gas cylinders out of the burning building.
The smoke coming from the building should not be inhaled, said operations manager Eirik Kileng to Nordlys earlier Sunday night.
– Styrofoam that burns is harmful.
Employees tried to put out the fire
People living in Nordkjosbotn were asked to close all windows.
Employees at Bewi Polar tried to put out the fire themselves when it started. Without luck.