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Boost Immunity with These 5 Habits, Anything?


JAKARTAbody immunity is one of the most important factors to avoid exposure to Covid-19. Even though you have been vaccinated, if your immunity is low, it is possible that you can be exposed to this virus. In fact, strengthening the immune system is easy to say but difficult to implement. Prolonged bad habits will certainly cause a lack of metabolism in the body which will make the body weak and lethargic so that it is more susceptible to disease and viruses.

Some dietary and lifestyle changes can strengthen the body’s natural defenses and help us fight off harmful pathogens or disease-causing organisms. Here are 5 healthy habits that can boost immunity, as quoted by the Times of India page:

1. Gargle with Virgin Coconut Oil

The mouth is home to millions of microbes including bacteria, the process of gargling virgin coconut oil helps get rid of these bacteria through between the teeth. Not only does this improve oral hygiene, the technique helps with overall health and well-being. Cold-pressed virgin coconut oil is a recommended superfood due to its myriad health benefits; It is a rich source of natural lauric acid and contains Vitamin E which helps boost immunity. Medium Chain Fatty Acids (MCFAs) containing lauric acid and caprylic acid strengthen the immune system and have anti-viral properties. Therefore, Adding 2 tablespoons of virgin coconut oil to the diet every day can help boost immunity and maintain a healthy and holistic lifestyle.

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2. Regular consumption of vegetables

Make and serve food on your plate like a rainbow. This means fresh, colorful seasonal fruits and vegetables, nuts, protein sources such as eggs, dal, sprouts, low-fat milk, curds that are as colorful as a rainbow. Nutrients obtained from food are essential for keeping our immune system functioning properly. Nutrients and antioxidants that can help fight harmful pathogens. The antioxidants in these foods help reduce inflammation by fighting unstable compounds called free radicals.

3. Consumption of Green Coffee

Unlike coffee in general, green coffee beans are unroasted raw coffee beans that retain chlorogenic acid (CGA). Chlorogenic acid aids weight loss and helps reduce body fat and obesity-related hormones and reduces the synthesis of fatty acids and cholesterol. It also reduces carbohydrate absorption, thereby lowering blood sugar and insulin spikes – lowering the risk of Type-2 Diabetes.

4. Honey Drink

Honey is the best energy provider. Has antibacterial and antiseptic properties. Identifying pure honey is becoming increasingly important because these health benefits will only appear if your honey is pure. But you have to be careful there are a lot of fake honey on the market. Fake honey has a high content of cave. Then you should always choose FSSAI approved honey, for a 100% surety lookout for the NMR approved mark i.e. Nuclear Magnetic Resonance (NMR) technology which ensures pure honey includes no added sugar which ensures 100% purity. NMR is seen as the gold standard for adulteration testing in honey.

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5. Avoid Stress with ‘me time’

Spend your ‘me time’ with good habits like jogging and exercising. Keep your mood to stay cheerful and avoid stress is the key to a healthy body. Then coupled with simple habits like getting enough sleep and water will improve your overall performance. This if applied will be a good thing to increase immunity. The immune system functions as a shield and protects the body from seasonal illnesses and infections and in the midst of an ongoing pandemic.


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