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Black Hole News: How Scientists Start Mapping the M87 Magnetic Field – All Pages

EHT Collaboration

The first image of a black hole that a team of astronomers captured.

Nationalgeographic.co.id—In 2019, scientists captured the image for the first time black hole Messier 87 (M87) at the center of the galaxy Virgo A. Over the decades 200 scientists have engaged to prove Einstein’s famous theory of general relativity.

Now in their latest findings, scientists have succeeded in documenting the magnetic field around them black hole that. It is estimated to have released a beam of energy and matter more than 5,000 light years into space.

Through a report published on The Astrophysical Journal Letters (Flight. 910 No. 1, 24 Mar 2021), the scientists revealed that the light was polarized.

In his observations, the light waves were vibrating through the magnetic hot space. The magnetic field is strong enough to push material that wouldn’t fall over the edge of a black hole.

As a result, the matter and energy that gushes out of the black hole and the surrounding galaxy looks like a spotlight.

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This finding is then planned to be the first material for mapping magnetic fields at the edges of black holes. In order to do this, scientists must choose polarization from a large, abstract data set around it.

Polarized light in a black hole is only a portion of the total light that surrounds a black hole. All that light is created by matter moving very fast and rubbing against one another, and it also produces energy.

In their observations, initially visible light was only 1-3% around a polarized black hole. But when the observed fraction was enlarged, it turned out that 10% and 20% of the radiant ring was also polarized.

When the data is computed, the polarized light traveling in one direction ‘bends’ the light from another. As a result, the proportion of polarized light appears low.

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Visualization of emissions from observations of magnetic fields detected in the black hole M87 which is divided into front and rear.

The Event Horizon Telescope Collaboration et al

Visualization of emissions from observations of magnetic fields detected in the black hole M87 which is divided into front and rear.

This observation is not an easy task, researchers must be able to separate the magnetic field signal from the error. The error is caused by the Earth’s atmosphere, which also contains magnetic field signals through observations of 11 different telescopes. Other errors can also come from the telescope itself.

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“Digging into a relatively weaker signal and taking into account the bigger error is a very big effort,” said Jason Dexter, one of the researchers, quoted from Live Science.

“We don’t see the same polarization mapping and images we expect, if the magnetic field is just coiled black hole so as not to be dragged along with the gas. [Medannya] strong because it can withstand the pull of the current with the gas as it rotates around black hole.”

The scientists wrote in their report that they tried to match different types of fields to data from the Event Horizon Telescop (EHT). This telescope was the first to document black hole that.

With the initial mapping carried out this time, scientists hope that in the future there will be further observations.

Black hole is not an object that is stationary and has no change, but has fluctuations from time to time. It is very possible if further research can build a more detailed magnetic field map.

“It’s a very interesting result, understanding more about the picture black hole this and the physical nature behind the image black hole of the M87. This is just the beginning, “Dexter said.

If research for M87 in the future can be pressed, Dexter added, it is also possible to try EHT. black hole in the Milky Way galaxy.

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