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Biostimulants in legumes: beans are “de-stressed” with algae extracts

Since the implementation of the bean until harvest, the productive and management strategy is essential to obtain successful results in the crop.

For that reason, Timac Agropresented within the framework of the Legumes Technical Update Day organized by the Chamber of Legumes of the Argentine Republicits biostimulation and fertilization solutions for these specialities looking for a stable productive niche.

“In this campaign, with many adverse weather conditions, with extreme temperatures that can reduce bean yieldsthere are opportunities to successfully address it,” said Lucia Valero, technical development manager of Timac Agro.

In this context, he pointed out that there are differential biostimulation solutions, with products derived from algae extract, which activate the osmoregulation of the cropgiving it greater vigor.

In addition, they have Organic fractions that, by supplying them to the soil, improve all the conditions for bean developmentfrom the beginning to the end of the cycle.

“It is very important to complement crop nutrition with biostimulation,” said the interviewee. Infofield.

To achieve this, he said that Timac Agro has a network of agricultural engineers specializing in the crops of each regionwhich offer visits to producers in order to determine the problems in each case and their solution.


For its part, Nahir Peñalosareferring to the technique of Timac Agroexplained that the company develops specific products that accompany the bean during its implantation, but also in the vegetative stages and at the time of grain filling.

For this reason, the company presented the biostimulant and anti-stress Fertiactyl Leguminosawhich is placed at the time of performing the seed bath; that is, When using seed or therapeutic, incorporating it jointly.

Improves the speed of germination and initial emergence of the crop. In additionhas rapid ground cover, Improving weed competition and herbicide tolerance“Peñalosa said.

Biostimulant plus herbicide: a formula against weeds that pays for itself with more kilos per hectare

This product stands out for its greater tolerance to stress situations due to environmental conditions and has an impact on a larger root system. Therefore, The capacity for water and nutrient absorption is greater throughout the cycle, favouring crop persistence..


On the other hand, Timac Agro exhibited the advantages of its Biostimulant and liquid fertilizer Fertiactyl GZwhich can be used in the vegetative or reproductive state of the bean crop to relieve it from stress.

“Beans are a very short-term crop and the fact that they are stressed always takes its toll on yield. For this reason, our company offers these Two products designed to boost legumes in difficult circumstances“, said the specialist.

Finally, regarding the product, applied In early stages it promotes tillering and in reproductive stages grain filling. Humic and fulvic compounds improve the assimilation of nutrients from the soil with the application of Fertiactyl GZ.

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