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Beware of Cytokine Storms in Covid-19 Patients

JAMBERITA.COM- The term cytokine storm in Covid-19 patients has resurfaced. This is after Youtuber Dedy Corbuzer, who was infected with the Covid-19 virus, experienced a cytokine storm and was critical for several days. So what is this cytokine storm?

Lung Specialist, Sp P said Cytokine storm is an overreaction of inflammatory cells. Inflammation or inflammation occurs massively so that it damages organs, especially the lungs. In addition to the lungs, other organs are also affected such as the kidneys, liver, brain, heart and others.

“Cytokine storms propagate multi-organ failure (MoF). Manifestations in patients with abnormalities in these organs. If the liver is affected, there is an increase in SGOT/SGPT, if the kidneys are monitored for urea and creatinine. It can also increase CRP, and dimer (thick blood) in the blood,” he told jamberita.com.

What are the symptoms? Depends on the damaged organ. The symptoms are shortness of breath in the lungs, increased renal urea creinine, increased SGOT/SGPT liver disorders. If the dimer increases or the blood viscosity increases, it can lead to coronary heart disease and stroke.

He said Cytokine storms are getting more attention due to the Covid-19 pandemic. Because Cytokine Storms are one of the causes of some people with Covid-19 experiencing serious conditions. Under normal circumstances, these cytokines help coordinate the immune system’s response to dealing with infectious substances, such as viruses or bacteria.

In Covid-19 patients, an increase in several inflammatory cytokines appears to be involved in the development of acute respiratory distress syndrome, a leading cause of death in people dealing with COVID-19 disease. Cytokine storm symptoms Cytokine storms can cause many different symptoms.

Then what to do? Dr. Ikalius said that in patients who are self-isolating, if mild Covid symptoms are rare, there will be no cytokine storm. But if it worsens such as increased shortness of breath, high fever, diarrhea and oxygen saturation begins to fall below 94 you should immediately go to the hospital. Because this condition if not treated properly can lead to death.

Therefore, the most important thing is to do prevention. One of them is not to get infected with Covid-19. If later exposed, there are several anti-inflation drugs that can be consumed such as types of corticosteroids (methyl prednisolone, dexamethasone).(SM)

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