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Bad cholesterol and triglycerides would go down thanks to this common vitamin which would prevent arteriosclerosis

Cholesterol is a fundamental fat for the body as it participates in its proper functioning. Nonetheless, it is necessary to keep it below a certain level, as if not, it could cause cardiovascular problems.

In fact, when we talk about cholesterol we refer to the good one, or HDL, and the bad one, or LDL. Clearly, if the bad one is superior to the good one, it would be appropriate to keep it under control and to take all suitable measures to lower it, such as diet and physical activity.

We often hear about hypercholesterolemia, which is the value of total cholesterol that is elevated compared to the norm. This in some cases should not cause particular concern, but only and exclusively if the good cholesterol is higher than the bad one.

As well as cholesterol, the level of triglycerides must also be kept under observation, since if it is higher than normal it could cause serious complications. Bad cholesterol and high triglycerides can be one of the causes of heart attacks and strokes as well as the cause of heart and liver problems.

Precisely for this reason it is of fundamental importance do frequent blood tests to avoid possible future complications. Not only to see cholesterol and triglyceride levels, but also for all other possible diseases and conditions.

How are both cholesterol and triglycerides in the blood reduced? With a healthy meal plan and physical activity. In any case, it is highly recommended to contact your doctor, who will indicate any therapies as well as the diet to be followed. However, bad cholesterol and triglycerides would go down thanks to this common vitamin which would prevent arteriosclerosis.

Vitamin F

Vitamin F is that vitamin that our body releases when the body deems it appropriate and is made up of “good” fatty acids. We certainly don’t know it as vitamin F but as omega 3. This vitamin is an ally for the reduction of bad cholesterol and triglycerides, and is considered a friend for heart health. In fact, its task is to hinder them in their transit towards the arteries, as he claims Humanitas.

This vitamin is contained in various foods. And it is also recommended in diets for weight loss, as it would contribute to weight loss through a healthy and balanced diet, accompanied by physical exercise. Nevertheless, those wishing to follow a diet for weight loss, it is good that you contact your doctor or nutritionist who will evaluate the inclusion or not of foods containing omega 3.

Bad cholesterol and triglycerides would go down thanks to this common vitamin which would prevent arteriosclerosis

Furthermore, vitamin F, again as Humanitas claims, would prevent the onset of arteriosclerosis or atherosclerosis, i.e. the stiffening of the structure of the arteries due to various factors, including cholesterol. Foods containing omega 3 are some fish among which salmon and tuna stand out and, along with others, this fish that few people buy, rich in antioxidants and vitamin C with a light and tasty flesh that accelerates the metabolism. Then in oils, in dried fruit, especially walnuts and almonds, in seeds such as flax and soy.

(The information in this article is for informational purposes only and does not in any way substitute for medical advice and / or the opinion of a specialist. Furthermore, it does not constitute an element for formulating a diagnosis or for prescribing a treatment. For this reason it is recommended, in any case, to always seek the opinion of a doctor or a specialist and to read the warnings given. WHO”)—

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