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Article L129-1 – Labor Code

Associations and companies whose activity relates to childcare or assistance to the elderly, disabled people or other people who need personal assistance at home or mobility assistance in the local environment favoring their remaining at home and the municipal and inter-municipal social action centers for their activity of caring for children under the age of three at home must be approved by the State.

These associations and companies and approved associations or companies which devote their activity to services to people in their homes relating to household or family tasks benefit from the provisions of articles L. 129-3 and L. 129-4.

The approval provided for in the first two paragraphs is issued with regard to quality of service criteria and provided that the association or company devotes itself exclusively to the activities mentioned in this article. However, intermediary associations, municipalities, municipal or intercommunal social action centers, competent public intermunicipal cooperation establishments, organizations having entered into an agreement with a social security organization for their social action, as well as public organizations or private managers of an establishment or service authorized under I of Article L. 312-1 of the Code of Social Action and Families and the cooperation groups mentioned in 3° of Article L 312-7 of the same code may be approved under this article for their home help activities. Unions and federations of associations may also be approved for their activities which directly contribute to coordinating and delivering personal services. Public or private organizations managing a health establishment covered by article L. 6111-1 of the public health code, health centers covered by article L. 6323-1 of the same code may also be approved. , as well as public or private organizations managing an establishment or service mentioned in the first and second paragraphs of Article L. 2324-1 of the same code, for their home help activities provided to the people mentioned in first paragraph of this article. Service residences covered by Chapter IV bis of Law No. 65-557 of July 10, 1965 establishing the status of co-ownership of buildings built for home help services provided to the persons mentioned in the first paragraph of the Act may also be approved. this article who reside there. Likewise, companies or associations managing a home help service, approved pursuant to the provisions of the first paragraph, may submit an application for authorization to create an establishment or service whose activity falls under I of the Article L. 312-1 of the Social Action and Families Code without their approval under this article being called into question for this simple fact.

2023-12-09 22:27:17
#Article #L1291 #Labor #Code

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