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Almost Doing the Pocong Oath, Ciamis Residents Accused of Witchcraft by Their Neighbors

News Ciamis, (harapanrakyat.com), – Residents of Ratawangi Village, Banjarsari District, Ciamis, West Java, almost took the pocong oath because they were accused of cheating on their neighbors.

Iin Tresna an RW chief accused his neighbor of having sent a spell to his son.

This was confirmed by the head of Ratawangi Village, Ahmad Hidayat, Tuesday (7/12/2021).

Ahmad said, he was visited by an Iin Tresna who was none other than the Chairman of RW 03 Ratawangi Village.

He complained about the inconvenience caused by being accused of being a witch.

“Pak Iin asked me to meet his neighbor who accused him of practicing witchcraft,” said Ahmad.

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The Ratawangi Village Government also took a stand and brought together the two warring parties.

The meeting was held at the house of Sahli, the person who accused Iin Tresna of practicing witchcraft.

“We suggest taking the pocong oath when the problem cannot be reconciled amicably,” he said.

However, thanks to instructions and remarks from the Chairman of MUI Ratawangi, the pocong oath was not carried out.

Meanwhile, Sahli admitted that the accusations against his neighbor Iin Tresna as perpetrators of witchcraft were not without reason.

He said that his son was sick and the doctor did not know what illness he was.

“When he is in a trance he always says that what makes him sick is Iin,” said Sahli.

Sahli also heard that some of his neighbors also died as a result of being hit by Iin.

“That’s why I feel confident that if my child is being sedated, the accusation is the result of what the creature that possessed my child said, that’s why I want my child to be healed again as usual,” he explained.

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At the same place, Iin Tresna denied and did not accept the accusations leveled against him.

“By Allah, why should I do something like that, I’m already a hajj, I’m a retired civil servant, I’m the head of the RW, I have ethics, why should I do something like that,” he said.

He said there was no benefit in doing so. “I’m sorry if I’m envious of anything I have to complain about to him, even if compared to wealth I seem to be more than him,” he said.

Iin Tresna admitted that he was surprised why his neighbors had accused him of practicing witchcraft on his son.

Even though during his illness, Iin was the one who often took treatment either to a doctor or to a smart person.

“I also don’t ask for payment even though I use my car,” he said.

He added that Sahli’s sick child was his student when he was still studying at SMK.

Even the child was given a scholarship because he deserved to get help.

“When I had the heart to do witchcraft, even when I was at school, I always encouraged him,” he said again.

Despite being accused of practicing witchcraft on his neighbors, as a human, Iin will forgive everything, even though his heart hurts from being accused of witchcraft.

“Let Allah not sleep, may the sick be taken away from the disease,” he said.

He also hopes for all of them to pray diligently, stay away from suudzon and envious feelings, multiply also jariyah charity. “Because the pain comes from our own hearts,” he explained.

Suggest Not Suudzon

Ratawangi Village MUI Chairman Ky Hisyam Abdul Wahab said, it is not good to suudzon fellow human beings, let alone neighbors, it is better to reform and forgive each other

“So why should there be a pocong oath, I don’t think this should be used as an excuse for a fight that harms everyone, please introspect each other and forgive each other,” he said.

HR monitoring in the field, after being given directions and advice from the MUI and the local Babinsa, both parties finally agreed to make peace and forgive each other.

The case of accusations of witchcraft to a neighbor caused a stir among residents in Ratawangi Village. (Suherman/R8/HR Online/Jujang Editor)

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