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Accidents – Hanau – car rolls over in an accident: three people injured – panorama

Accidents – Hanau:Car rolls over in accident: three people injured

A police patrol car is parked at the scene of an accident. Photo: Stefan Puchner/dpa/symbol image (Photo: dpa)

Directly from the dpa news channel

Hanau (dpa/lhe) – In an accident, a driver overturned her car in Hanau (Main-Kinzig district) and was seriously injured. In addition to the 27-year-old, there were two other passengers in the car on Monday night, of whom a 29-year-old was seriously injured and a 25-year-old was slightly injured, the police said on Monday. All three involved were taken to hospitals.

The driver first drove over the Limes bridge during the night and shortly thereafter left the road to the right and crashed into a crash barrier. According to the police, behind a junction she came off the road completely, with the car overturning and coming to rest next to the road.

The investigation into the cause of the accident in the Klein-Auheim district is ongoing. Blood was taken from the driver immediately after the accident for a test for alcohol and drugs, a police spokesman said on Monday. The result is not yet available.

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