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Abruzzo among the top three regions at national level in the Covid plan, synergy between health and school – AbruzzoLive

Verì: “children’s health is our priority per school year”

L’Aquila. “I want to underline the great work in progress in the health sector in the Covid period. Today the Abruzzo Region is often and willingly identified among the top three regions at a national level: it was identified for the Covid plan, for the immune App and for the number of tampons in airports. This means that the health system is changing and this is perceived despite the critical period. Soon we will also start with the reorganization of the Covid territorial network “. Thus the regional councilor for health Nicoletta Verì, of the Lega, in taking stock of the activities related to the reopening of schools, in Abruzzo scheduled for 24 September, in a press conference in L’Aquila.

“For some time there has been an important synergy between the world of health and the school world”, added the councilor for health, “the health of our children is a priority. For this reason we have dealt with the school office several times, putting maximum effort into the safe return of our students. We started by moving the start date of the new year to September 24th. We have also asked to increase the number of health personnel precisely to respond to a possible emergency ”.

Verì announces the thermoscanner in high school. “Yesterday we sent some addresses that go beyond the distancing and we thought at the time of entry the use of the thermoscanner in high schools, we will take some sample schools, especially in high schools in which there are adults who are not under the parental responsibility “. In view of the reopening of schools, Verì stresses that “we have identified a health manager of each local health authority who will come into contact with the school district. Each ASL will be able to hire more health professions to create the necessary bridge between the various actors. We guarantee this assistance by relying above all on the help that the general practitioners and general practitioners will give us who, however, have not given an adequate answer one hundred percent. We tried to raise awareness ”.

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