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a restaurant mistakenly serves a grand cru to its customers

<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8em)–sm" type="text" content="Reconnaître un grand cru d'un vin des plus ordinaires est loin d'être chose aisée. La mésaventure qui suit en est un délicieux exemple. Dans cette fable new-yorkaise entrent en scène un couple, un restaurateur et quatre hommes d'affaires de Wall Street. C'est Keith McNally, le gérant du restaurant français Balthazar, situé à New York, qui détaille l'histoire on Instagram, as our colleagues from The voice of the North. “data-reactid =” 23 “> Recognizing a grand cru from an ordinary wine is far from easy. The following mishap is a delicious example. In this New York fable, a couple enter the scene , a restaurateur and four Wall Street businessmen. Keith McNally, manager of the French restaurant Balthazar, located in New York, details the story on Instagram, as our colleagues from The voice of the North.

That day, four wealthy businessmen are seated. One of them orders the most expensive wine on the menu, a 1989 Château Mouton Rothschild, $ 2,000 a bottle. Keith McNally is responsible for pouring the precious wine into a decanter himself. At the same time, a young couple asks for the cheapest wine on the menu, $ 18 a bottle, also poured into a carafe. This was to be expected: the two decanters are reversed and served to the wrong customers.

“Like a bank error in our favor”

<p class="canvas-atom canvas-text Mb(1.0em) Mb(0)–sm Mt(0.8em)–sm" type="text" content="Mais le sel de toute l'histoire ne tient pas seulement à l'erreur d'aiguillage de grand cru. Car la réaction des protagonistes semble tout écrite. « L'un des hommes d'affaires, qui invitait les trois autres, se considérait comme un connaisseur de vin », explique le restaurateur. Emballé et fier devant ses invités, l'homme vante la « pureté » du breuvage et ses grandes qualités. Le jeune couple, de son côté, persuadé de boire un vin bon marché, « a fait semblant en plaisantant de boire un vin cher et a paro […] Read more“data-reactid =” 26 “> But the salt of the whole story is not only due to the error of the grand cru referral. Because the reaction of the protagonists seems all written.” One of the businessmen , who invited the other three, considered himself a wine connoisseur “, explains the restaurateur. Excited and proud in front of his guests, the man praises the” purity “of the drink and its great qualities. The young couple, for his part, persuaded to drink cheap wine, “jokingly pretended to drink expensive wine and […] Read more

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