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A gas leak would have caused a fire in a house in the Bronx | Videos | Univision 41 New York WXTV

I tell you in the forecastextended.hope: thank you very muchjeus. in the bronx, they turnto unleash the flames in ahousing, leave a persondeath and several injuries, occursa few miles fromfire in the building whereseveral people burned thelife.Alejandro Condis has itlast of the investigation andsome recommendations.Alejandro: around this areathe five officers enteredwho ended up injured bysmoke inhalation.recounts the odyssey they went throughin order to save lives from thisplace.a deadly explosion rumbled inthe neighborhood in the morningthis Tuesday, unleashing death,chaos, flame, smoke and destroyingat least three houses.>> notices the classdanger that was one we had.to do itthe floor would have collapsedcompletely.we didn’t go out where he was,we could only goasking for help.Alejandro: this ladysurvived, like anotherold woman.Marta, 77, died in ahospital. the pictures showthe scene where five policemenwere treated with oxygen inthe hospital, including aofficer who only has twoweeksto the people of the order>> people yelling, the womanthat she was hurt, she wasscreaming tooAlejandro: the explosion for amissing gas leaka house left in themediumin those rubble queóinvestigate how the tragedyorigin.but authorities saysmell of gas shortly before thehouse exploded, that thequick action of all sentthat the tragedy was greater withthe help of more than 100 firefightersand emergency personnel.>> They’re here for 30’syears, my brother lives forsix her son, she went out and isinside.alexander: a church haswelcomed the survivors andthose who have lost.too much and they have nowherelive nowthe big apple works forrelocate the displaced andhelp many like magda.>> we are devastated, nobodythought this could happen.Alejandro: sinister occursnine days after the fire thatleft 17 deceased. Somewhich is in danger.in new york>> as onecan, one pays them everything andthey don’t pay attention towhere we live.alexander: you can detecta gas leak, if you listen .smell of rotten grandfatherhear whistlescheck the ducts and theirstove. leak is confirmedthere were windows and letters, noturn on matchsticks, go outof the house, close the

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