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7 Ways to Overcome Nasal Congestion Naturally


How to deal with nasal congestion can be done the natural way. Nasal congestion and sinus pressure can be caused for many reasons. Some of them are colds, flu and allergies.

When you have a cold or an allergy, the membranes that line your nasal passages become inflamed and irritated. They begin to secrete more mucus to excrete anything that is irritating, such as allergens.

Quoted in WebMD, when the nose is blocked, focus on keeping the nasal passages and sinuses moist. To keep the nasal passages moist by using a humidifier, consume lots of fluids to put a warm wet towel on your face.

Here are some ways to deal with nasal congestion:

1. Stay hydrated

How to deal with nasal congestion the main thing is to keep the body hydrated. Mucous membranes can become inflamed during sinus congestion. However, staying hydrated can help the membranes function properly.

Drinking lots of water and other fluids can help relieve symptoms of nasal congestion. Drinking more water can help moisturize your nose.

2. Inhalation of vapors

Steam inhalation can help keep mucous membranes moist. This is especially important during winter or colder climates. This can help relieve symptoms of sinus congestion and push the sinuses to open.

Water vapor that has been mixed with lemongrass and inhale the steam when you experience a stuffy nose.

3. Ginger

Ginger is one of the rhizomes that is used as a natural treatment. Ginger also contains anti-inflammatory and antibacterial compounds that can effectively relieve flu symptoms. When your nose is congested, you can consume tea combined with ginger, lemon and honey.

Before consuming it, first inhale the warm steam from the tea and ginger to relax the nasal nerves.

4. Garlic

Garlic contains antibacterial and antifungal properties that can help treat nasal congestion. Garlic contains an active ingredient called allyl thiosulfonate which can relieve nose.

Garlic can be mixed into soups or other dishes. Not only makes it tasty but also reduces mucus in the nose.

5. Using eucalyptus oil

Eucalyptus oil can help relieve nasal congestion. It can also help kill germs around the nasal passages that contribute to sinus infections. One can use eucalyptus oil by rubbing it on a tissue and next to it by adding it to hot water and inhaling the vapors.

6. Pineapple

This sweet and sour tropical fruit is packed with vitamin C and bromelain. Bromelain is an enzyme found in pineapples that is known for its ability to help prevent excessive mucus in the nose and reduce mucus production often caused by allergies.

Drink pineapple juice or mix pineapple pieces into a salad to help relieve clogged allergies.

7. Peppermint

Foods that contain menthol such as peppermint are believed to reduce nasal congestion. The content of menthol can stimulate nasal nerve receptors that make us feel like we are breathing more air.

Inhaling warm water vapor that has been mixed with peppermint can loosen mucus stuffy in the nose.

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