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7 Species That Rely on Earth’s Magnetic Field for Navigation

7 Animals That Use Earth’s Magnet. PHOTOS/AFP

JAKARTA Animals that use the Earth’s magnetism for navigation there are at least 7 species of animals that exist on this earth. i

Not only humans use the earth’s magnet in our daily lives, for navigation or directions, but animals also use the earth’s magnet for navigation.

The following is a list of animals that use the earth’s magnet as navigation:

1. Turtle

This one animal turns out to use the earth’s magnet to travel long distances. Especially female turtles, they will rely on magnetic cues along the coast to lay their eggs in their birthplaces, and ensure that generations of turtles find their homes.

2. Trout fish

This fish with spots all over its body still has relatives with salmon. The cells in the lining of the trout’s nose contain a very strong magnetic material. It is able to respond to changes in the external magnetic field that occurs. This ability is used as a navigation to move.

3. Flies

Fruit flies are small flies that we usually see hanging around food that is left open. Fruit flies have an extraordinary ability to detect the location of food. Recent research has shown that when a protein in the human retina is placed into a fruit fly, the fly is able to detect external magnetic fields.

4. Pigeons

This one animal may already be familiar with the ability to use the Earth’s magnetic field for navigation. Having iron balls in the hair cells of the inner ear, it will help them detect navigation and find a place to live.

5. Salmon

When salmon hatch their eggs, they have to find a potential place first, this can be done with the help of the geomagnetic sensors in their bodies, these sensors will help them detect the Earth’s magnetic field and map their migration paths.

6. Sharks

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