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7 Foods that are Prohibited for Pregnancy Programs: Legal Lifestyle

WHEN pregnant, a prospective mother needs more nutrition to prepare for the developing baby’s body in the womb. Even so, not all types of food can be consumed by those of you who are following the pregnant or middle pregnancy program.

When undergoing a pregnancy program, women must really maintain their diet. Do not eat carelessly because it can interfere with fertility.

Reported Legal from Tommys, Friday (7/24/2020) here are seven foods that you should avoid while on a pregnancy program. Come see the review!

Raw or semi-cooked meat

Cook the meat until completely cooked so that it does not turn pink in the meat or blood. It is safest to eat well-cooked meat while you are pregnant.

Because raw meat can contain toxoplasmosis, small parasites that live in raw meat, soil and cat feces. Toxoplasmosis can be very dangerous for the mother and baby, most likely the baby will experience a disability or the mother has a miscarriage.

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Raw or undercooked eggs


Although rich in vitamin A, vitamin D and calcium are very good for baby’s growth and development. Eating raw or undercooked eggs is very dangerous for expectant mothers.

It is important for you to cook until the egg yolks and egg whites are completely cooked. And avoid foods that contain raw eggs in them, like homemade mayonnaise or mousse.

Raw eggs have salmonella bacteria, which are a common cause of food poisoning which can harm your baby and make you very unwell.

Unpasteurized milk


Very pasteurized milk is milk that has gone through a heating process that makes the loss of germs and bacteria in milk.

You should avoid milk that has not gone through this process because there are still bacteria and germs in the milk. Not only cow’s milk, this also applies to goat’s milk and sheep’s milk.

Consuming unpasteurized milk increases the risk of getting Toxoplasmosis, Listeriosis and Campylobacter.



When you drink, alcohol moves from your blood through the placenta and to your baby. There is no known safe level for drinking alcohol during pregnancy, so the safest is not to drink at all when you are pregnant.

Consuming alcohol can cause babies affected by Fetal Alcohol Syndrome (FAS) which has the potential to cause premature birth, low birth weight (LBW), sudden fetal death (sudden infant death syndrome / SIDS), to miscarriage. Whereas in infants, FAS affects the growth and development.



For those of you lovers of coffee, tea, cola or other drinks that contain high caffeine try to fast caffein first.

Drinking large amounts of caffeine, it is not recommended for those of you who are following a pregnancy program and it may be more difficult to get pregnant. It can also increase the risk of miscarriage or having a low birth weight baby.

You should limit your intake of caffeine to no more than 200 mg a day during pregnancy. One can of cola contains about 40 mg of caffeine, one cup of tea has about 75 mg, an ordinary chocolate bar has around 50 mg, a cup of instant coffee has about 100 mg, one cup of filtered coffee has about 140 mg.

High sugar foods

Foods without nutrients such as cakes, biscuits, cookies, chips and sweets must be kept to a minimum. Many of the options of these foods are only rich in sugar and fat, but have little nutritional content, this actually causes pregnant women to get hungry faster and can damage the efforts of pregnant women in maintaining a healthy weight.

Several types of seafood


Fish is good for you and you should eat at least two servings a week, such as fresh tuna, mackerel or sardines. However, there are some types of fish that you must avoid and some that you must limit. Among others:

1. Avoid swordfish, and marlin because they have high levels of mercury, which can affect your baby’s nervous system.

2. Limit tuna to no more than two medium and fresh sizes or four cans of canned tuna a week because it also has high levels of mercury.

4. Limit fish with high oil content (salmon, mackerel, sardines, trout, herring, pilchards) to no more than two servings a week because they contain pollutants.

5. Avoid eating raw oysters, such as oysters, because they can cause food poisoning. But it won’t be a problem when you cook well and thoroughly.

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