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6 Silent Symptoms of Colon Cancer: Recognizing Anemia, Diarrhea, and More

6 Silent Symptoms of Colon Cancer… Anemia, diarrhea, etc. are easy to miss

Enter 2023.08.21 20:10 Hits 3 Enter 2023.08.21 20:10 Edit 2023.08.21 15:11 Hits 3

Young people in their 20s and 40s as well as the elderly should pay special attention to colorectal cancer prevention and early detection. In particular, when suspicious symptoms appear, it is desirable to seek medical attention and examination as soon as possible. [사진=게티이미지뱅크]In recent years, the number of patients with colorectal cancer (rectal colon cancer) has increased significantly. In particular, there is also a study that found that the incidence rate of young colorectal cancer patients in their 20s to 40s in Korea ranked first in the world. According to the results of a study conducted by the University of Colorado in the United States on 42 countries, the incidence rate of colorectal cancer in Korea between the ages of 20 and 49 is 12.9 per 100,000 population, the highest in the world.

According to data from the Central Cancer Registry in Korea, 27,877 new colorectal cancer patients occurred in 2020 alone. Colorectal cancer accounts for about 11% of all cancers in Korea, second only to thyroid cancer and lung cancer. One of the most prominent symptoms of colorectal cancer is rectal bleeding.

Dr. Patricia Raymond (Gastroenterology) of Virginia, USA, said, “Internal bleeding for up to six months is often followed by bleeding in the stool.” Emphasized. Colorectal cancer is also highly effective when detected early. It is very difficult to treat because it is discovered late, and there are not a few cases in which life is lost.

American health portal ‘Thehealthy’ introduced ‘6 silent symptoms of colorectal cancer’.

anemia appears

Anemia is the first sign of possible internal bleeding. I feel very tired, my skin is pale, and I feel dizzy. Of course, symptoms of anemia can occur even when other symptoms of colorectal cancer do not appear. This is especially true for menopausal women.

hard to breathe

If the bleeding is happening slowly in the body, you will feel difficulty breathing. Even if you don’t bleed heavily or vomit blood, your body doesn’t make more iron or red blood cells. add more plasma to the blood There is no massive loss of blood, but the blood’s ability to carry oxygen drops dramatically. Shortness of breath is one of the signs of colon cancer or heart attack.

upset stomach or cramps

Dr. Randall F. Holcomb of the University of Hawaii Cancer Center in the United States said, “If the colon is blocked and refluxed, you can experience abdominal bloating.” Some swelling or cramps in the body can also be caused by other factors. However, if the abdominal symptoms do not stop, you should see a gastroenterologist. If you feel constant pain in your right stomach, colon cancer is at a late stage. Cancer cells may have already spread to the liver.

have severe constipation

If constipation is severe and persistent, colon cancer should be suspected. “Constipation can be due to a blockage in the intestines (ileus). If constipation persists, you should get tested for colon cancer,” he said.

The thick stool has become very thin.

It’s good to get into the habit of carefully looking into the toilet bowl after having a bowel movement. Dr. Raymond said, “If the stool used to be thick but has recently become very thin, the colon may be blocked considerably by polyps.” Persistent diarrhea may also be due to colon cancer.

unusual color of stool

The color of blood from rectal bleeding is usually red. If the stool does not come out well and the color is dark, it is a sign that there is blood in the stool. Ulcers can also cause this problem. If the symptoms are severe, colorectal cancer should be suspected.

Meanwhile According to a study conducted by the University of Washington School of Medicine in the United States, four early symptoms of colorectal cancer were abdominal pain, diarrhea, iron deficiency anemia, and rectal bleeding. The risk of colorectal cancer is increased by more than 3.5 times if two of these symptoms are present, and by more than 6.5 times if three of these symptoms are present.

2023-08-21 11:11:16

#Silently #deadly.. #common #anemia #suspected #cancer

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