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6 Schools in Bekasi Hold a Face-to-Face KBM Simulation, Ministry of Education and Culture: Violating SKB 4 Minister Page all

BEKASI, KOMPAS.com – Six schools in Bekasi city has held a simulation teaching and learning activities (KBM) have been face to face since last Monday (3/8/2020).

Six schools that have so far begun holding face-to-face simulations, namely Bekasi City Secondary School, Victory Junior High School, Nassa Middle School, Pekayonjaya VI Public Elementary School, Jaticempaka VI Public Elementary School, and Al Azhar Elementary School VI.

Responding to this, the Director General of Early Childhood Education, Basic Education and Secondary Education (PAUD Dikdasmen) of the Ministry of Education and Culture, Jumeri said, Bekasi City Government violated the 4 Ministerial Joint Decree (SKB).

Also read: Six KBM Simulation Schools Face to Face in Bekasi

Because in SKB 4 Minister, the condition for opening a school is that the school is in the green zone.

Meanwhile, the city of Bekasi is currently still in the orange zone. That is, has a moderate risk.

“Yes, it violates it,” Jumeri said through his written message on Tuesday (4/8/2020).

Although the pretext of the Bekasi City Government is only a simulation, Jumeri acknowledged that the Central Government and West Java Provincial Government do not yet have rules related to simulations KBM tatap muka in Bekasi.

Therefore, the Ministry of Education and Culture will ask for clarification by the City Government related to the KBM face to face that has been held in Bekasi.

“The excuse is that it has only been tested, the Provincial and Pempus have not been permitted, we will clarify it to Bekasi,” he said.

Also read: 11 Schools in Bekasi Apply for a KBM Face-to-Face Simulation License

Jumeri added that the Ministry of Education and Culture will give a warning to the Bekasi City Government regarding the face-to-face KBM meeting held in the middle of a pandemic.

The six schools that simulated face-to-face learning were schools that were included in the role model or pilot category.

For information, Bekasi City Government allows face-to-face activities in schools to take place again on the grounds that the Covid-19 transmission rate in Bekasi City is already below one.

Acting Head of the Bekasi City Education Office Uu Saeful Mikdar previously revealed that at least 11 schools had applied for licenses to hold a KBM simulation face-to-face.

Uu said, 11 schools that submitted for face-to-face teaching and learning simulation, were currently still waiting for the school role model team selection process.

“Our team involving all the several OPD (regional apparatus organizations) provides verification, if it is feasible, we will continue it,” Uu said.

Also read: Holds a Face-to-Face Learning Simulation, Bekasi City Government admits that it has not been granted permission from the Minister of Education and Culture

Schools that have proposed to start a face-to-face teaching and learning process must meet several requirements.

For example, submit a proposal for the implementation of the Covid-19 prevention protocol to the Bekasi City Government. It also contains a percentage of parental permission for their children to attend KBM face to face.

Schools must also ensure that they have accessibility that is close to health service facilities, both hospitals, school health units (UKS), and Puskesmas to anticipate in the case of Covid-19.

If the requirements are appropriate, Bekasi City Government will allow the school to hold KBM face to face.

Meanwhile, six schools that have held KBM simulations face to face will be re-verified once every two weeks.

Re-verification was conducted to consider whether the six schools were still eligible to carry out face-to-face teaching and learning activities.

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