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6 Bad Effects of Dehydration on Pregnant Women That You Should Avoid

KOMPAS.com – Dehydration is one of the conditions that are susceptible to pregnant mother and can have adverse health effects.

Collect Parenting Firstcrykeep the body hydrated during pregnancy is very important for the mother and the unborn baby.

Pregnant mother it is recommended to drink 12 glasses a day airless than that can cause dehydration.

Collect Cleveland Clinicwater plays a role in:

  • Aids digestion and removes waste
  • Lubricate joints
  • Forms saliva
  • Balances body chemistry. The brain needs it to make hormones and neurotransmitters.
  • Provides oxygen throughout the body
  • Be a bone pillow
  • Regulate body temperature
  • Acts as a shock absorber for the brain and spinal cord of the self and fetus.

Meanwhile, newborns contain about 78 percent water.

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Quoting the book “Complete Questions and Answers Pregnancy Problems” (2016) by Irmawati, SSi.,Apt, the adverse effects of dehydration on pregnant women, including:

There are some foods that pregnant women should not eat, such as some seafood which is high in mercury.

1. Constipation or constipation

Body fluids less will make the stool hard, causing constipation or constipation.

This condition will trigger pregnant women to strain when removing feces.

In fact, it should not be done during pregnancy, especially during young pregnancy, to avoid the fetus coming out prematurely.

2. Fever

Pregnant women who are dehydrated will also make the body raise its temperature.

This is done by the body of pregnant women so that the temperature in the body becomes stable.

As a result, the body will feel hot like someone who has a fever.

3. Amniotic fluid deficiency

As previously explained, the production of amniotic fluid is strongly influenced by: body fluids.

So when the body is dehydrated, the production of amniotic fluid will also decrease.

Meanwhile, the condition of pregnant women who are dehydrated can greatly interfere with the formation of organs in the fetus they contain.

As a result, the fetus is at risk of birth defects.

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4. Kidney damage

Lack of body fluids of pregnant women will also interfere with kidney function, causing damage to the kidneys.

5. Decreased blood volume of pregnant women

During pregnancy, most of the blood contains a very large amount of water.

As a result, pregnant women who are dehydrated can experience a lack of blood volume, which triggers anemia.

6. Inhibits milk production

Pregnant women who lack body fluids can also inhibit milk production.

This is because most of the content of breast milk is water.

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Collect Parenting Firstcry, There are some typical conditions experienced by pregnant women that increase the risk of becoming dehydrated, namely:

1. Increased blood volume

The volume of blood in the body of a pregnant woman increases by 50 percent. This is one of the main reasons for dehydration in early pregnancy.

A woman’s body needs more water at this early stage of pregnancy.

On the other hand, pregnant women find it difficult to hold water in the body because of the tendency to urinate more often.

2. Morning sickness

About 50 percent of pregnant women suffer from morning sickness which cover:

  • Nauseous
  • Vomiting
  • Excessive urination
  • Sweating.

All of these conditions result in the loss of water from the body.

Morning sickness Usually occurs in the first trimester and will subside in the second trimester.

Dehydration is also prone to be experienced by pregnant women because of frequent vomiting.

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3. Excessive sweating

A woman often has excessive sweating during pregnancy, and if the body fluids that are lost are not replaced it can lead to dehydration.

Moreover, if the pregnant woman lives in an area with hot weather, she will sweat more.

4. Diarrhea

In the third trimester, pregnant women can experience bouts of diarrhea.

That’s because pregnant women experience hormonal changes along with a reluctance to eat certain foods that are important for maintaining gut health.

If you don’t drink enough water during this time, you can become dehydrated.

5. Age

One of the complications of pregnancy over the age of 35 is the body’s inability to retain water.

If you are in your mid or late 30s, you should drink more water to stay hydrated.

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Quoting the book “Complete Questions and Answers with Problem Pregnancy” (2016) by Irmawati, SSi.,Apt, some signs of dehydration in pregnancy are as follows:

1. Mouth looks dry

A dry mouth is the most visible sign when someone is dehydrated, including pregnant women.

Because, body fluids are reduced, so the surface of the skin looks dry.

2. Headache and dizziness especially when standing up after sitting

Lack of body fluids will make blood circulation disturbed.

In addition, oxygen intake to the body’s organs is also disrupted, so people who are dehydrated feel dizzy.

3. Nausea

Insufficient body fluid intake will cause nausea.

This occurs because the stomach lacks fluid to process food. As a result, gastric acid production increases.

4. Constipation

If a pregnant woman has difficult or irregular bowel movements and hard stools, it is a sign that she is dehydrated.

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5. Very thirsty

The body will give a signal when there is a shortage for the metabolic process.

When the body lacks fluid intake, it will give a signal in the form of thirst to get additional fluid intake.

6. Dark and scanty urine

Another sign of a dehydrated body is dark urine and small volume.

This happens because the disposal of body fluids through urine will adjust to the fluid intake received by the body.

7. The body feels very tired

The body of pregnant women who are dehydrated will experience metabolic disorders, so they become very tired.

In fact, the fatigue experienced by pregnant women can certainly interfere with daily activities.

8. Easily drowsy

Lack of body fluid intake causes the flow of oxygen to some parts of the body to be disrupted.

One of them is the flow of oxygen to the brain, which can then cause pregnant women to feel sleepy.

Read also: 8 Risks of Pregnant Women from Abdominal Injuries

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