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5 Ways to Increase Children’s Endurance During the Covid-19 Pandemic

TEMPO.CO, Jakarta – A strong immune system is the key to avoiding corona virus infection. Data from the Indonesian Pediatrician Association or IDAI shows the vulnerability of Covid-19 transmission in the age group child. Covid-19 is fatal for three to five percent of pediatric patients. And half of that percentage is less than five years old or under five.


Kasus Covid-19 pada anak membuat orang tua kian waspada. Mereka harus memastikan asupan nutrisi seimbang dan menerapkan protokol kesehatan ketat untuk seluruh anggota keluarga. Salah satu cara sederhana untuk meningkatkan daya tahan tubuh anak adalah mendorong buah hati untuk mengkonsumsi makanan alami ketimbang hidangan olahan.

Simak beberapa jenis makanan yang dapat meningkatkan imunitas anak:

  1. Telur
    Supaya lebih sehat, olah telur dengan cara merebusnya, bukan menggoreng. Telur mengandung selenium untuk menjaga kesehatan jantung, otot dan kulit. Telur juga memiliki vitamin A dan vitamin B2 atau Riboflavin yang berperan dalam pertumbuhan.


    Ada pula vitamin D untuk memastikan penyerapan kalsium dan perkembangan tulang, serta vitamin K yang membantu proses pembekuan darah. Waktu terbaik mengkonsumsi telur adalah saat sarapan, makan siang, atau makan malam. Variasikan sajian telur rebus dengan bahan lain, seperti jamur, selada, dan sayuran lain untuk menambah cita rasa.

  2. Vegetable
    Vegetables are rich in fiber and minerals, such as iron and zinc, which are important for boosting a child’s immune system. One of the surefire recipes so that children want to eat vegetables is that parents must first set an example for them. Remember, the nature of children is to imitate. So, set a good example starting with your parents.

    Eating vegetables together is also a fun activity at home. Vary or process the vegetable menu to be more interesting and delicious. If necessary, invite children to plant various vegetables, maintain, harvest, and invite them to process them in the kitchen.

  3. Probiotics
    Probiotics help the intestines work in digesting food. Good bacteria are able to fight and stop the colonization of bad bacteria in the stomach. thereby increasing immunity. Probiotics are contained in yogurt.
  4. Fruits and seeds
    Do not forget to meet the nutritional needs of children through the consumption of fruits and seeds. Fruits and seeds contain vitamins, essential fatty acids, and Omega-3 to increase endurance and help brain development.
  5. Turmeric
    Turmeric contains the compound curcumin which has anti-inflammatory properties. Turmeric helps relieve allergies, asthma, and mild coughs.
  6. Not only maintaining a balanced nutritional intake. Parents should also make sure their children get enough rest, take them out in the sun or be exposed to the sun in the morning, and exercise. Teach children to manage stress that can arise from a lot of schoolwork and boredom while at home.


    #CuciTangan #JagaJarak #PakaiMasker #DiamdiRumah

    Also read:
    Doctor’s advice if the child is positive for Covid-19

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