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5 symptoms of peptic ulcer and practical natural remedies to combat it

The ulcer is part of the most common stomach ailments, learns to detect its symptoms and improves the state of the digestive mucous membranes with powerful natural remedies

The peptic ulcer is a sore that appears in the mucous membrane covering the stomach or duodenum, which is the first part of small intestine. It’s one of the stomach ailments more common and painful, mainly for being a open sore or in live meat; exist Two types of ulcers:

  • Gastric ulcer: It occurs in the stomach.
  • Duodenal ulcer: It occurs in the first part of the small intestine.

In general this type of sores originate from the excessive production of acid juices, which can be altered by various factors Between the main causes of the ulcers stand out:

  • H.Pylori bacteria infection: It’s about a microorganism which manages to proliferate under certain conditions. It should be noted that many people who have this bacterium in the intestine, do not suffer from ulcers However it is one of the most popular reasons.
  • Excessive alcohol consumption: It is considered one of the agents more irritating
  • Excessive consumption of medications: Normally caused by the recurrent intake of nonsteroidal anti-inflammatory drugs, as is the case with the aspirin, the ibuprofen and the Naproxen
  • Having a digestive disease: In general all those conditions that derive from inflammatory processes
  • High levels of stress and bad eating habits

Warning Signs:

1. Abdominal inflammation

The abdominal swelling It’s one of the digestive symptoms most common and may be due to various factors, however it is considered one of the warning signs that are presented in the initial stage. Its origin is because it triggers a inflammatory answer how Defense mechanism to combat the effects caused by the acidity; It comes with a prominent inflammation in the belly zone, which is usually accompanied by indigestion Y stomach heaviness

2. Burning and abdominal pain

Various specialists point out that the heartburn It’s one of the symptom most representative of the ulcers, also manifests itself through a strong pain as a result of the injury who suffers the gastric mucosa. When consumed spicy foods and spicy this Symptom worsens.

3. Loss of appetite

When you suffer peptic ulcer the most prominent symptoms that usually occur after eating how are they burning and the inflammation cause incompetence, it is important to monitor this aspect closely since in many cases they usually occur nutritional deficiencies

4. Nausea and vomiting

Other of the symptoms most common pointing diverse digestive disorders Are the sickness and the threw up, this is mainly due to the excessive production of gastric juices trigger these reflexes as Defense mechanism. Also when the symptoms are in a advanced grade can occur immediate vomiting By eating certain foods.

5. Weight loss

A clear sign of a ulcer not detected in time is reflected in a alarming loss from weight, also relates directly to the lack of appetite and the rest of the symptomsince people normally they can not feed on normal way and correct.

Natural remedies to combat symptoms:

It is important to emphasize the importance of having medical supervision to correctly treat any ulcer, complementary to the treatment one of the most valuable recommendations is to opt for a nutritional therapy that stands out for its contribution in nutrients which will be key in the recovery phase Medicine and nutrition specialists recommend integrating Vitamins A, B and C, selenium, zinc, dietary fiber, probiotics and antioxidants.

Green cabbage and celery juice

Between the ingredients More popular to fight the gastric ulcers, protect the mucosa and especially reduce inflammation, is the green cabbage. This vegetable stands out for its spectacular content in chlorophyll, fiber and antioxidants, that helped to heal the tissue.

You will need to:

  • 1/2 piece of green cabbage
  • 3 sprigs of fresh celery
  • 500 ml of purified water

Preparation mode:

  1. Wash and disinfect cabbage and celery. Subsequently chop the vegetables in medium cubes.
  2. In the blender glass add the cabbage and celery, water and process until you get a homogeneous liquid.
  3. The recommendation is to consume this juice throughout the day, trying to take a mid-morning and accompanying lunch, dinner and a couple of hours before bedtime.

Banana and papaya juice

These two ingredients They are known as the best and most valued natural allies to improve the pain caused by ulcers, this is mainly due to the papaya enzyme that is called papain and has the power to reduce inflammation and cover the gastric mucosa. At the same time the minerals of the banana nut Y They provide satiety.

You will need to:

  • 3 slices of papaya
  • 1 medium banana
  • 200 ml of natural coconut water

Preparation mode:

  1. In the blender glass add the papaya, the sliced ​​banana, the coconut water and process until you get a smooth and smooth liquid.
  2. Consume this juice twice a day, a good recommendation is to do it on an empty stomach and before bedtime.

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