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5 Minuses If Your Emotions Are Unstable When Dating

It’s better not to date if you can’t control your emotions

stress illustration (pexels.com/Cottonbro)

Emotionally unstable is a condition where you are completely unable to control and keep your emotions stable. It’s natural for everyone to have emotions within them, but if you keep letting your emotions fluctuate, it can actually get people in trouble.

Especially if you are desperate to date with such emotional conditions, throughout the relationship it can make your partner tired of dealing with your emotions. In other words, there are many minuses if your emotions are unstable when dating, and here are some of them.

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1. There is a small mistake direct emotion and drama

fighting illustration (pexels.com/Timur Weber)

Your partner is an ordinary human being who can make mistakes, and you, whose emotions are unstable, get angry easily when he makes mistakes. Which even a small mistake can make you upset and exaggerate it.

This kind of attitude is not good for relationships. Often angry and annoyed even at the smallest things, can make your partner feel uncomfortable over time. Makes him feel constantly blamed and always looks bad in your eyes.

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2. Like to ask to break up when fighting

go illustration (pexels.com/RODNAE Productions)

Having unstable emotions when dating can make you impulsive in breaking up a relationship. This happens a lot and can be considered as one attitude toxic in a relationship, that is, every time you fight, you ask to break up.

The characteristic that is in someone who is emotional, quickly ends the relationship and threatens to break up when emotions are at their peak. As a result, the relationship that is lived is never long, or becomes a relationship toxic which keeps disconnecting.

3. Moodswing that makes couples tired

sad illustration (pexels.com/SHVETS Productions)

Unstable emotions make it difficult for you to control yourself, but did you know that it also makes it difficult for couples when dating? Which changes moodYour drastic attitude can make your partner tired of dealing with it.

On the one hand he wants to try to understand you who are emotional, but on the other hand his energy is drained dealing with you whose emotions are out of control. That is why people who are emotionally and mentally unstable are advised to improve themselves before dating, so as not to make it difficult for their partners.

4. Can’t be invited to a good discussion when there is a problem

fighting illustration (pexels.com/Afif Kusuma)

Another minus side if your emotions are unstable when in a relationship is that it is difficult to invite you to discuss. Emotionally dominant people tend not to be able to keep their minds straight and rational.

You could say that this is more or less difficult for the couple and the relationship they are living. Where you can’t be discussed rationally without ending up emotional, it’s difficult for relationships to develop to a more mature stage.

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