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5 Facts about ‘Super-Gonorrhoea’ gonorrhea, experienced by Austrian men after sex with prostitutes


Recently, a man was infected with extreme gonorrhea or ‘Super-Gonorrhoea’. This condition occurred after he had sex with a female commercial sex worker (PSK) while on vacation in Cambodia.

During sex, it is known that the man in his 50s did not use a condom. Upon further examination, it turned out that the man was infected with a new drug-resistant strain (CDR) of Neisseria gonorrhoeae or N. gonorrhoeae.

So, what is gonorrhea or gonorrhea? The following is an explanation and facts surrounding it:

Can Infect Men and Women

Gonorrhea or gonorrhea is a sexually transmitted disease (STD) caused by the bacterium Neisseria gonorrhoeae that can infect men and women of all ages.

Quoted from the page Mayoclinic, cases of gonorrhea often occur or spread during intercourse, oral sex, and anal. In addition, this disease can also attack babies who were previously transmitted by their mothers who had gonorrhea. In infants, gonorrhea or gonorrhea most often attacks the eyes.

In adults, gonorrhea often infects the urethra, rectum, and throat. In women, gonorrhea can also infect the cervix.

Gonorrhea that is not treated immediately can increase the risk of developing other sexually transmitted diseases and can even cause infertility or infertility.

Burning or pain when urinating is the main symptom to watch out for.

Symptoms of Pus Urination

Quoted from Healthline, a man can experience symptoms of gonorrhea in the span of 2 days to 30 days after exposure. The following are a series of symptoms of gonorrhea in men:

  • Greater frequency of urination
  • A pus-like discharge from the penis (this pus can be yellow, white, cream, or green in color)
  • Discoloration and swelling of the penis opening
  • Swelling or pain in the testicles
  • Itching and pain in the anus
  • Bleeding or discharge in the rectum
  • Pain when defecating

While in women, symptoms of gonorrhea can appear anywhere. The time span is within 1 day or a few weeks after exposure.

Generally, the symptoms experienced are quite mild. What’s more, the symptoms can appear very similar to those of a vaginal yeast or other bacterial infection, which makes it even more difficult to tell them apart.

Symptoms of pus in women include:

  • Liquid, viscous, or greenish whiteness
  • Pain or burning when urinating
  • The urge to urinate more often
  • Pain in the vagina during sex
  • Severe pain in the lower abdomen
  • Itching and pain in the anus
  • Bleeding or discharge in the rectum
  • Painful bowel movements

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