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5 Benefits of Roasted Garlic, Good for Digestive Health

Illustration of roasted garlic. boldsky.com

Merdeka.com – Garlic is one of the ingredients commonly used in various dishes. It contains phytochemicals and powerful nutrients that help fight disease. Research points to the potential benefits of garlic against diseases such as heart disease and cancer.

Garlic contains sulfur compounds that cause its distinctive odor, and also provides health benefits. The sulfur compounds in garlic act as antioxidants and promote the formation of another antioxidant called glutathione, which is produced by the body.

Another function of the sulfur compounds in garlic is antimicrobial activity. Garlic can kill bacteria, viruses, and fungi, including H. pylori, the bacteria associated with stomach ulcers. Apart from sulfur compounds, garlic also contains flavonoids, including quercetin, luteolin, and kaempferol which function as antioxidants.

Grilled garlic is one of the common preparation methods for serving garlic in food. Benefits of roasted garlic is to give food a sweet and delicious taste.

Apart from adding flavor to food, roasted garlic also has health benefits. Quoting from livestrong.com and LEAFtv, here are 5 benefits roasted garlic for health.

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1. Maintain Heart Health



The first benefit of roasted garlic is to promote a healthy heart and a stronger cardiovascular system. Garlic has been shown to help lower blood pressure. That is why many doctors recommend it to those with high blood pressure.

Grilled garlic can help lower cholesterol and can also help prevent clogged arteries. According to the Linus Pauling Institute, garlic can affect cholesterol production by inhibiting cholesterol synthesis by the liver. Garlic also has anti-inflammatory properties and reduces blood clotting.

It is important not to burn the garlic for too long, say for about 10 minutes. And also don’t burn it in the microwave, as this can deplete its beneficial properties.

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2. Prevent Cancer

The second benefit of roasted garlic is to help prevent cancer. Apart from the antioxidants present in garlic, the sulfur compounds it contains also act directly on carcinogens and toxins, helping the body excrete them before they cause damage.

According to the Linus Pauling Institute these compounds trigger cancer cell destruction, a process called apoptosis, in cell culture experiments and animal models. The types of cancer that can be prevented by consuming grilled garlic are stomach cancer, colon cancer and colon cancer, and several other types such as breast cancer and prostate cancer.

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3. Maintain Digestive Health

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The third benefit of roasted garlic is to help maintain digestive health. If you have digestive problems, such as irritable bowel syndrome or gastroesophageal reflux disease, try eating grilled garlic to help with symptoms such as heartburn, nausea, and indigestion.

Since roasted garlic is lighter than raw garlic, it will be easier to digest if you have digestive problems. This is because grilled garlic will not give you a stomach ache like raw garlic.

Roasted garlic helps digestive health by increasing the production of fluids that aid digestion, aid in the removal of waste from the body, and reduce stomach inflammation.

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4. Strengthen the Immune System

The fourth benefit of roasted garlic is to strengthen the immune system. Grilled garlic can help boost your immune system thanks to its antibacterial properties.

The antibacterial properties in roasted garlic can strengthen immunity and help fight bacteria and disease. So, if you feel a cold, try eating grilled garlic so you don’t get sick.

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5. External Benefits

The fifth benefit of roasted garlic is to treat various external problems. Roasted garlic can be used to treat a number of ailments outside of your body. Roasted garlic is effective in treating water fleas by rubbing warm cloves on the affected area.

You can also use it for other skin infections like acne, as well as the treatment of minor wounds to prevent infection. Interestingly, warm roasted garlic cloves can also be rubbed on the infected ear to treat pain.

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