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5 Authoritative Top Traits in the Workplace, Ever Found Them?

When we workwe will meet with superior which has a certain character. The character of the boss that we can meet in the world of work itself varies. Some are kind, understanding, and some are superiors authoritarian.

Authoritarian superiors are superiors who want to have absolute control over their subordinates. This kind of boss is like an iron fist who wants to always be obeyed without paying attention to others. Often, an authoritarian boss is disliked by his subordinates.

Here are the top 5 signs or characteristics or leader authoritarian in the world of work.

1. Feeling Most Right

A person’s authoritarian attitude is usually caused because he feels he is right. Because his opinion is right, then others must obey all his orders. If not, then he has made a mistake and should be punished.

Authoritarian leaders usually always feel more right than others. Others should not go against the opinions and orders given because they are correct. If someone is against it, it means that person is wrong.

2. Give orders at will

Authoritarian people also like to rule as they please. He will feel the most powerful because he has a higher position or position so that he can manage other people. He does not care about other people, basically his orders must be carried out even though the situation is difficult.

3. All Decisions Are Taken By Himself

Because they feel the most right and have the power, then the authoritarian person or boss will make all decisions with his own thoughts. Even though the decision is a company decision which will affect everyone in the company, he will still make the decision in his own opinion.

4. Don’t want to hear other people’s opinions

Because they feel the most correct, authoritarian people also do not want to hear and accept the opinions of others. He does not want his power to be disturbed by others with opinions that are contrary to his own. Though it could be that opinion can have a good impact for the company.

5. Organize Everything

An authoritarian boss will manage his subordinates in everything, from large to small scale. Even an authoritarian boss can manage things that aren’t really work-related. This often makes his subordinates unhappy.

Thus 5 signs or characteristics of an authoritarian leader or boss in the world of work. How about your boss?

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