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5 anecdotes to know about â € “Mulholland Driveâ ????

Released this evening on Arte, â ???? Mulholland Driveâ ???? has not finished surprising us. 19 years after the release of David Lynch’s feature film, we are still struggling to understand all the details.

Mulholland Drive, winner of the 2001 Cannes Film Festival Prize, is still one of the most iconic films in cinema today. This Franco-American production, produced and written by David Lynch, seems straight out of a dream or a nightmare. Mulholland Drive, its disturbing atmosphere and its immersion in the city of angels make the border between dreams, fantasies and reality almost undetectable. Viewing after viewing, we think of touching each time the director’s message. To prepare for tonight’s movie session, let’s take a look at David Lynch’s most acclaimed masterpiece.

David Lynch’s initial project was not a feature film, but rather the pilot of a series. After Twin Peaks, the director had accustomed the televiewers to dark and enigmatic televised series. At the start, it was the ABC channel which was to broadcast this first episode of a duration of 1:30. Rejected by the chain, David Lynch will shoot new sequences before transforming this pilot into a 2h26 feature film. Rumors say that it is the age of the two female protagonists who would have slowed down the project: Naomi Watts and Laura Elena Harring were 31 and 35 years old respectively years in 1999, which was already considered too old to become a television star. With an initial budget of around $ 7 million, the cost of making the film doubled when the project went from long-run series episode footage.

As in all his works, David Lynch likes to leave the spectator in doubt. Mulholland Drive is no exception. The mysterious story of Rita and her loss of memory, of the blue box and of Betty’s double identity are subject to many interpretations. The director himself repeatedly refused to explain the meaning behind the film, calling it “a love story in the city of dreams.” . For actor Justin Theroux – who plays director Adam Kesher – David Lynch takes pleasure in letting the viewer have his own idea of ​​the film. He said: “I think he is genuinely happy that it can mean what we want. He appreciates when people find frankly bizarre interpretations. To this day, the feature film remains for many a conundrum. A documentary signed Philippe Rouyer and entitled “Return to Mulholland Drive” had even been produced in 2003 in order to demarcate scene after scene David’s masterpiece Lynch.

Many films have been inspired by the city of Los Angeles. AT?? at once charming, dangerous and enigmatic, this city of dreams is the ultimate fantasy for all those who are ready to set out to conquer glory. David Lynch chose Mulholland Drive to illustrate this duality that Los Angeles offers: glamor and its downside. Located in the heights of the city, more precisely in Woodland Hills, this 38 km street built in 1924 and connecting the hills to the sea, is today the place of residence of many celebrities and players in the entertainment industry. In height, it offers several spectacular views of the city of angels, an atmosphere of striking strangeness and a route as winding as the film of the same name.

It’s impossible not to remember the mystical atmosphere of Club Silencio where Betty and Rita – dressed in a blonde wig – go after spending the night together. The red seats, the velvet curtains, the resounding sound of the trumpet and the voice of Rebekah Del Rioâ ?? oeuvre The work ends in a whisper when a woman seen in the club utters the very last word of the film “Silencio” like a sigh. This sound signature is reminiscent of the closing scene in Le MÃ © pris by Jean-Luc Godard. AT?? In Paris, David Lynch inaugurated in 2011 the private Silencio club with golden corridors, strange dim lights and curtain scenes as in the film. He teamed up with designer Raphaël Navot to create a unique underground place. At 142 rue Montmartre in the 2nd arrondissement, the club welcomes private, curious and regular members who take advantage of events: concerts, films selected by David Lynch, exhibitions and evenings special, especially during Fashion Week.

If Mulholland Drive is considered the best David Lynch film to date, few people know the news that rocked Hollywood at the same time. Appeared in some David Lynch films – notably in Lost Highway in 1997 – Jennifer Syme was also assistant to celebrities. She meets Keanu Reeves and becomes pregnant with the actor in 1999. Hospitalized in emergency, she unfortunately gives birth to a stillborn child. The fate is bitter since the young actress will disappear the night of April 1 to 2, 2001 in a car accident after a drunken evening. David Lynch will dedicate Mulholland Drive to him, which came out a few months later.

Source: https://www.vogue.fr/culture/article/mulholland-drive-5-anecdotes-a-connaitre-sur-le-film-de-david-lynch

Mulholland Drive, David Lynch, Naomi Watts, Laura Harring, Masterpiece

World news – EN – 5 anecdotes to know about â ???? Mulholland Driveâ ????

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