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4 Causes of Earthquakes and Preliminary Actions to Take When They Occur

What to do when an earthquake occurs? And what is the cause? Check out the following reviews.

Hitekno.com – Earthquake is a natural phenomenon that greatly affects the world. Earthquakes are vibrations that occur on the surface of the earth due to several factors.

Earthquakes can cause enormous damage to infrastructure, affect people’s well-being, and can even result in death.

Therefore, understanding the causes and effects of earthquakes is very important to prepare for and deal with the adverse effects that can occur. In this paragraph, we will discuss more deeply about earthquakes, starting from the causes of earthquakes to the actions that must be taken when a disaster occurs.

Reporting from various sources, earthquakes are caused by various factors, including:

  1. Weathering and deformation in the tectonics of the Earth’s plates.
  2. Volcanic activity, such as the formation of new volcanoes.
  3. Plate boundary tectonics, when two plates slide past each other.
  4. Human activities, such as exploitation of natural resources and infrastructure development.

Earthquakes are the result of energy released from within the earth, which causes vibrations and seismic waves that affect the earth’s surface. These factors can affect the intensity, frequency, and location of earthquakes.

The following are actions that can be taken by people during an earthquake:

  • Take cover: Try to take cover under a table or somewhere stable and close to yourself. Keep away from shelves, tables or heavy objects that could fall.
  • Stay calm: Don’t panic and try to stay calm. This will help you make the right decision and act correctly.
  • Don’t run outside: Don’t run outside during an earthquake, as this can create additional danger.
  • Turn off electricity, gas and water: After an earthquake, turn off electricity, gas and water to prevent fire and further damage.
  • Prepare for aftershocks: Earthquakes are often followed by smaller aftershocks. Prepare for the aftershocks and take cover.
  • Immediately contact the authorities: Immediately contact the authorities and report your situation and those of your surroundings. This will help them determine what action to take.

It is important to remember that the actions you take during an earthquake will depend on your situation and surroundings. It is very important to be prepared and understand what actions to take in the event of an earthquake in order to handle the situation properly and safely.

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