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3 benefits of not responding to your child’s inquiries immediately

Babies don’t stop making requests and want to fulfill their wishes and respond to their requests immediately, but you need to find a balance between taking care of your child and meeting his needs and getting him used to not responding to his requests immediately.
The immediate response to the child’s requests ruins his personality, reduces his resistance and causes him to lose flexibility. Read on and discover the benefits of not responding to your child’s inquiries immediately.

1- Train your child to deal with feelings of sadness and anger
When you delay in fulfilling your child’s requests, he will surely feel sad or angry because he did not get what he wanted right away.With repetition, your child will learn and practice coping with feelings of sadness and discontent, becoming more patient and receptive and more able to adapt to circumstances.
2- Teach your child the importance of making an effort to get what he wants
For example, if your child asks to buy a quick meal and you offer him an alternative, which is that you both prepare a delicious and healthy home meal, your child will be patient and make an effort with you, he may feel hungry and tired, and perhaps frustrated or angry that he did not get a quick meal, but in the end, your child will have a delicious and healthy meal, he will feel more satisfied because he participated in the preparation of the meal and also because he ate healthy food.

This teaches your child the importance of making an effort to get what he wants, which makes him persistent and strong-willed in the future. struggle and effort to achieve distinct results.
3- Prepare your child for the challenges of post-puberty
As your child gets used to not responding to her requests immediately, she becomes more flexible and receptive and develops a sense of satisfaction, which is a good indicator of her abilities to cope with post-puberty challenges, such as the ability to prioritize, manage his money and also maintain healthy social and emotional relationships.

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