Melatonin should be avoided by minors for sleep help as it poses serious risks that can disturb their natural physical growth, caution doctors

Doctors do not recommend that minors take melatonin to help sleep, the consequences are serious: it affects normal physical development According to the data of “China Sleep Research Report (2022)”, people in our country do not sleep enough,The average sleep time per day is 7.06 hours, and the proportion of respondents who sleep for more … Read more

Ensuring Half of the Healthcare Facilities Work Two Shifts During Ramadan through Effective Leadership

The Ministry of Health directed the opening of 50% of health care centers within the main cities by receiving patients in the evening shift, in addition to working in the morning shift. And the ministry stated, in a circular, which he reviewed, “News 24It is directed to the health affairs in the regions and governorates, … Read more

When out of five attempts, one comes out. Russian aggression in the shoes of Czech Television reporters

Russian aggression against Ukraine enabled Czech Television to take advantage of all the advantages and positives of public broadcasting. A wide team of quality reporters and cameramen. Great human, technical and financial background. The editorial office was thus able to send reporters to Ukraine continuously throughout the year. They captured the very beginning of the … Read more

“Cryptocurrency-Related Case Results in Prosecution of Multiple Stars in the United States”

Several American stars are being sued for advertising cryptocurrency without disclosing that they were paid to do so. Actress Lindsay Lohan, YouTuber Jake Paul and six other artists are being sued on Wednesday by the US market watchdog for advertising cryptocurrencies without disclosing that they were paid to do so. They are accused in a … Read more