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16 Types of Galaxies in the Universe, Complete Description of Their Shape and Size

12. Kind of Galaxy MACS J0717

The type of galaxy MACS J0717 is an example of the form when four galaxies collide. There is an abstract yet beautiful mixture of dark matter, gas and galaxies stretching over 13 million light years. Truly an amazing sight.

13. Type of Galaxy NGC 7674

Unlike some other types of galaxies, which only have one center, the NGC 7674 Galaxy appears to have two. Although not very rare, it is clear that this type of galaxy is not something that astronomers see every day. This is probably the result of two galaxies colliding into one

14. Kind of the Southern Wheel Galaxy

The Messier 83 galaxy, also known as the South Wheel galaxy, has a fairly unique shape. It has a double core which looks weird, but that’s not the weirdest part. M83 is a supersight for supernovas.

15. Kind of a Cartwheel Galaxy

The next type of galaxy is the Certwheel. Resembling an enormous wagon wheel, the Cartwheel galaxy type is estimated to be 150,000 light-years across. The galaxy has a bright center with a thin “grid” of dust and gas that radiates outward towards the surrounding ring of stars, which is about one and a half times the size of the Milky Way.

The Cartwheel Galaxy is located 500 million light years from Earth, in the constellation Sculptor. The Cartwheel’s unusual shape was caused by a direct cosmic collision millions of years ago. Initially the galaxy was a large spiral, but the smaller galaxy bore a hole in the center, confounding the stars within it like a rock falling into water, causing ripples that spread outward.

16. Kind of a Sunflower Galaxy

The last type of galaxy is the Sunflower. The galaxy with this beautiful name is also commonly called the Messier 63 Galaxy (M63).

This galaxy is the 63rd entry in the catalog of celestial bodies made by the French astronomer Charles Messier, published in 1781. It is named after the flower because of the tight spirals in its many arms, which are reminiscent of the pattern of a sunflower.

Sunflower is about 27 million light-years from Earth in the constellation Canes Venatici, and is part of the M51 Group, a collection of galaxies that also appear in the Messier catalog. The bright light that illuminates this galaxy is produced by a newly formed blue-and-white giant star.

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