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14 Signs Your Cat Will Die to Watch

Jakarta, CNN Indonesia

Cat Pets are part of the family. But sooner or later, the time will come for you to part with them. There are several signs a cat is about to die.

While it’s hard to see your cat suffering in any capacity, these symptoms your cat is showing can help you recognize when your cat needs more care and can help identify problems early enough to prolong their quality of life a little longer.

Many of the signs a cat is about to die can actually be early symptoms. The first step when you notice something is wrong with your anabul is to get him checked out by the vet.



Between any checks and diagnostics, your vet can tell you if your cat has a treatable condition or if the prognosis is bleaker.

Veterinarian Rili Wahyu Aji said that cats will show almost the same signs as humans when they die.

“More or less the same as humans. There is no response to eating or drinking, just lying down, no energy. His efforts to get up are very bad. Body temperature is very low or very high. Often the temperature drops,” he told CNNIndonesia.com.

He also said that cats who rarely leave the house will go out and look for other places to die. This is because the anabul will hide so as not to be seen by its owner and other cats.

Launching various sources, here are 14 signs that a cat is about to die that owners should watch out for.

1. Drastic weight loss

Weight loss is very common in senior cats. Some of this is due to normal muscle loss. As your cat ages, her body becomes less efficient at digesting and building protein, causing her to lose muscle mass. Your cat may still appear to be eating well but still losing weight.

Over time, weight loss can become extreme. Some old or sick cats can become very thin, with the ribs, spine, and hipbones protruding under the skin.

Cachexia is a special form of extreme weight loss caused by cancer. Cats with hyperthyroidism and chronic kidney disease also often lose weight.

2. Hiding too often

Hiding is a sign of disease in cats, but hard to pinpoint.

Things to watch out for include increased hiding, hiding in new places, and not wanting to go out even for routine positive events like mealtimes.

3. Don’t want to eat

If your cat is feeling sick, she may not want to eat. Some medications can also impair your cat’s senses of taste and smell, making them less interested in food.

Try warming the food or adding a little tuna juice to enhance the smell and make the anabul more interested in eating.

As your cat nears its time of death, you may not be able to get it to eat at all.

4. Don’t want to drink

Sick cats are also often disinterested in drinking, which can quickly lead to dehydration. This is a sign that the cat will die.

If your cat is still eating, you can increase her fluid intake by feeding her canned food and/or adding water to her diet.

5. Fatigue

As the anabul approaches the end of its life, it may become less active. He will sleep more often and may become weak when he wakes up. Some cats also appear depressed and lethargic.

Read more signs a cat is about to die on the next page…

14 Signs Your Cat Will Die to Watch


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