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11 symptoms of high cholesterol in men including erectile dysfunction


There are a number of symptoms of high cholesterol in men to watch out for. The reason is that high cholesterol is not only experienced by women but also by men.

Cholesterol itself is a compound in the form of fat produced by various cells in the body. Cholesterol in the body comes from two sources, namely food and liver.

This compound is divided into two types in the body namely the good cholesterol or high density lipoprotein (HDL) and the bad cholesterol or low density lipoprotein (LDL). The function of HDL cholesterol is to maintain the metabolism of the body, while LDL or bad cholesterol is very risky for triggering health problems.

Although the body basically needs cholesterol to perform various bodily functions, cholesterol levels that are too high can actually cause various health problems. This condition is generally influenced by a number of factors such as age, weight and gender.

Therefore, the American Heart Association recommends that someone get their cholesterol levels checked regularly every four to six years if they are over the age of 20. This is because cholesterol levels tend to rise with age.

Symptoms of high cholesterol in men

As quoted by the Ministry of Health Directorate General of Health Services (Kemenkes RI) website, high cholesterol generally has no distinguishing symptoms, so many people are unaware of it.

Usually, symptoms of high cholesterol are only felt when a blockage (plaque) has formed in the blood vessels, which eventually causes various serious complications. Here are the symptoms.

1. Easy to fall asleep

Frequent yawning occurs due to reduced oxygen supply to the brain. If the frequency of yawning is abnormal, this should be suspected because it could be caused by the buildup of high cholesterol so that the oxygen supply to the brain is not optimal.

2. Tingling

Often feeling tingling in the feet, hands or in some parts of the body is one of the symptoms of poor blood flow. As a result, there are nerves that don’t get an optimal blood supply. In general, the cause of blood flow is not smooth caused by cholesterol.

3. Neck or shoulder pain

Pain in the neck or shoulder? There is a possibility that this occurs due to lack of oxygen and blood supply to the area due to cholesterol buildup. Immediately outdated so that it is not sustainable.

4. Pain in the legs

Leg pain can be a symptom of high cholesterol due to blockage of blood flow in the arteries so that blood flow to the legs is obstructed.

5. Xanthelasma

This condition is a deposit of cholesterol under the skin tissue. If this happens, you usually see a light yellow spot at the end of the eyelid or a small, firm lump appears in body creases, such as the heel, elbow, or knee.

6. Fatty liver

When the liver is filled with high levels of fat, ailments arise in the form of discomfort, bloating and even nausea. Circumstances like this can increase your risk of cirrhosis, even liver cancer.

7. Stroke symptoms

High cholesterol in the body can cause blockage of blood vessels in the brain due to lack of oxygen and blood intake. This condition causes a person to experience symptoms of weakness on one side of the body, spray vomiting, or severe headaches.

8. Hug

Symptoms of high cholesterol in men can also include cramps in different parts of the body during the night when you wake up from sleep. Cramps occur in the heels, soles, and others. The pain disappears when the body is moved.

9. Chest pain

Chest pain can be a sign of complications of high cholesterol. This condition occurs due to the presence of plaque on the walls of the arteries, causing the heart not to receive adequate blood supply.

10. Erectile dysfunction

Plaque formed due to high cholesterol not only causes pain in the chest, but also causes erectile dysfunction. This condition occurs due to blood flow to the penis being blocked by plaque.

11. Xanthoma

Xanthoma is a skin disease characterized by the accumulation of fat to form small lumps (papules). This condition can appear anywhere on the body but is most common in the joints, especially the knees and elbows.

In addition to being caused by high cholesterol levels, xanthomas can also be caused by other conditions, such as diabetes, hypothyroidism, cholestasis, nephrotic syndrome, and hematologic diseases.

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