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11 Effects of Lack of Sleep, Can Weaken the Immune System to Heart Disorders

Bisnis.com, JAKARTA – Have you ever been rolling around all night because you have trouble sleeping or accidentally wake up? It is certain that your condition the next day will be less fit and feel very tired.

In addition, if you often feel dizzy and become grumpy, it could be because you are not getting enough sleep than the recommended 7-9 hours.

No kidding, just because of lack of sleep the effects can be long term. In addition to endangering your physical health, your mental health can also be disturbed. Getting a few hours of sleep will result in a weakened immune system and susceptible to bacteria and viruses.

If you’re sleep deprived or intend to stay up late, think back to these 11 possible effects, according to Healthline.

  1. Memory Problem

During sleep, the brain forms connections that will help you process and remember new information. Lack of sleep has a negative impact on your short and long term memory.

  1. Difficult to think and concentrate

It is important for daily activities, you have to focus and concentrate on work. Lack of sleep will weaken concentration, creativity, and problem-solving skills.

  1. Mood changes

Lack of sleep can lead to unpredictable, emotional, and irritable changes. This condition will worsen the atmosphere around you. Serious sleep problems can lead to depression and anxiety disorders.

  1. Accident

Accidents due to drowsiness or lack of sleep are very common. Even though you only need to rest for a while if you are very sleepy to get back to driving. Don’t ignore it, drowsiness while driving is very dangerous for you and those around you.

  1. Weakened immune system

Insufficient sleep can make the immune system weak against viruses such as coughs and colds. You will easily get this disease if you don’t get enough sleep. Make sure you get enough sleep to maintain your immune system against viruses, especially Covid-19.

  1. High blood pressure

High blood pressure can appear not only due to food, but habits. Sleeping less than 5 hours at night can increase high blood pressure.

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